What a consumer is willing and able to pay at a certain price
What is Demand
The movement along the demand curve due to a change in price shown in this diagram.
What is contraction in demand?
When demand exceeds supply
What is a shortage?
The proportion of workers that are working or actively seeking work.
What is labour force participation rate?
What is the current interest rate?
The measurement of Economic Growth adjusted for inflation
What is Real GDP?
The movement in the supply curve in the diagram below.
What is an increase in supply?
What happens to demand when price increases
What is a contraction in demand?
The population of 15 years and over
What is labour force?
What is the current unemployment rate?
The measurement of quality of life
What is HDI?
The intersection of the demand and supply curve as shown in the picture below.
What is market equilibrium?
What happens to supply when price increases
What is an expansion in supply?
The output produced per worker
What is labour productivity?
What is the current labour participation rate?
The measurement of income and wealth distribution
What is the Gini Coefficient
The cause of the surplus in the diagram below:
What happens in the market when the price increases?
If the price of a substitute decreases what happens to demand?
Decrease in demand.
The lack of skills and qualification in Australia in a particular industry
What is skills shortage?
What is the current Real GDP for Australia?
What a supplier is willing and able to supply at a certain price
What is supply?
The cause of the shortage shown in the diagram below:
What happens in the market when the price decreases?
What happens when the price of a complement increases?
Demand decreases
The impact on supply of labour if wages increase
Supply increases
What is HDI for Australia?
The number of people that are actively seeking work but have not found work.
What is the unemployment rate?
The graph below shows:
If there is excess supply, how does the market go back to equilibrium?
The suppliers will reduce price to sell the excess supply until the price reaches equilibrium.
How does this Government assist with skills shortage in the industry?
What is the gini co efficient for Australia