With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word autograph mean
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word aquarium mean
fish tank
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word hemisphere mean
half of the earth
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word benefit mean
something that is good
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word credible mean
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word democracy mean
government by the people
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word audio mean
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word geology mean
study of the earth
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word graphic mean
written or picture representation
Daily Double With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word antiseptic mean
against disease/poison
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word dictate mean
to say tell or speak out loud
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word bicycle mean
a 2 wheeled vehicle
Triple Points With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word cyclone mean
a weather pattern that moves in circles
Daily Double With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word autocracy mean
government by one person
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word fragment mean
Piece of something
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word fracture mean
break into pieces
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word arachnophobia mean
fear of spiders
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word inspect mean
look closely at something
Triple Points With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word sentiment mean
a feeling
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word photosynthesis mean
the way plants use sunlight to grow
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word de escalate mean?
to lessen or reduce - to calm down the situation so it doesn't get worse.
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word circumference mean
the outside of a circle
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word hyperventilate mean
breathe quickly and deeply
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word contraband mean
something that is against the law
With your knowledge of roots and affixes what does the word bibliophile mean?