When was the first JROTC program established?
In 1911 by Army Lieutenant Edgar Steevers
Pointed chevron of 3 stripes with a torch in the middle
Cadet senior airman
What is the phonetic for the letter C
To develop citizens of character.
What makes a wing?
2 or more groups.
In 1972.
Pointed chevron of 7 stripes, with 2 stripes inverted above the torch in the middle
Cadet Senior Master Sergeant
What is the phonetic word for the letter S?
What is the honor code?
I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do
Where did the idea for the Air Force come from?
The Wright Brothers; was created by army
When was the Air Force established?
September 18th, 1947
What is the abbreviation for Cadet Senior Master Sergeant
What is the phonetic word for the letter K?
Air Force core values
Integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do
What makes a squadron?
What was the Air Force called prior to being established? (When it was a part of the Army)
Army Air Corps
What is the abbreviation for Airman First Class?
How do you phonetically spell 'echo?'
Echo, Charlie, Hotel, Oscar
What does DCID stand for?
Dress, cover, interval, distance
Who is our Special Operations Commander?
C/Capt Gonzalez
Where was the first JROTC established?
Cheyenne, Wyoming
What rank is a pointed chevron of 4 stripes with a star in the middle?
Staff Sergeant
How do you phonetically spell 'AFJROTC?'
Alpha, Foxtrot, Juliet, Romeo, Oscar, Tango, Charlie
What is the 6th line of the Cadet Creed? (according to the Cadet Basic Knowledge Study Sheet)
I am accountable for my actions and deeds
How many cadets are in a wing?
251 or more