What is 7pm in military time?
Who is the Commander-in-Chief?
President Joseph Biden
What is the AFJROTC Honor Code?
"I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I tolerate those who do"
What is 1100 in civilian time?
Who is the Mayor of Gastonia?
Name all 3 Air Force Core Values
-Integrity First
-Service Before Self
-Excellence in all we do
What is 10pm in military time?
Who is the director of AFJROTC?
LtCol Matthew Tipton, USAF
What is 1800 in civilian time?
Who is your Group Commander?
C/Col James Hammond
What is 8am in military time?
1 Gold Bar (AKA Butter Bar)
2nd Lt.
Who is the Governor of North Carolina
The Honorable Roy Cooper
Recite the entire phonetic alphabet in 1 minute or less.
Zulu Yankee X-Ray Whiskey Victor Uniform Tango Sierra Romeo Quebec Papa Oscar November Mike Lima Kilo Juliet India Hotel Golf Foxtrot Delta Charlie Bravo Alpha
What is the Air Force Motto?
"Aim high...Fly-Fight-Win"