What are the official colors of the FFA?
National Blue and Corn Gold
What do you call a person who grooms pets?
Pet groomer
In order to bring a motion to the assembly you must use what two words?
"I move"
What does the word salary mean when referring to a job?
A form of payment
To change a main motion by adding on or striking out.
Which FFA Degrees can be awarded at the Chapter level
Discovery, Green hand, Chapter
What are the three components that make up a school based Agriculture Education Program?
SAE, FFA, Classroom
When making a point of discussion/debate on a motion what are the 3 parts?
Opening, Reason, Closing
What is the first 7 words of the FFA creed?
I believe in the future of agriculture
Name a career that would be related to agriculture.
answer varies
What is the purpose of a parliamentary procedure?
To make sure a meeting is properly conducted.
What is the FFA motto?
Learning to do
Doing to learn
Learning to live
Living to serve
Describe the roles of an agriculture related job.
answer varies
Debate for and against the following motion: "I move that the FFA chapter take a trip to Texas this spring"
I agree with this motion because, "..." therefore vote yes.
I disagree with this motion because, "..." therefore vote no.