Nigeria type of government
presidential democracy
type of economy if Nigeria, Kenya & South Africa
mixed, market leaning
in many sub-Saharan countries, who is most likely to be able to attend school: girls or boys?
important natural resource from western Africa that is used often in the US to make a sweet treat
cocoa beans
term for when a legislative branch has two houses
Kenya type of government
presidential democracy
GDP per capita and standard of living in many sub-Saharan African countries
is there a cure for HIV / AIDS?
important natural resource in central Africa from the tropical rainforest region
hardwood logs (lumber)
level of material wealth and comfort available in a country
standard of living
South Africa type of government
parliamentary democracy
country with the highest GDP in Africa due to oil, but 70% of the country lives in poverty
list the three phases of HIV
acute HIV, chronic HIV, AIDS
important natural resource grown in eastern Africa (ex: Kenya) that is drank across the world
percentage of adults who can read and write (hint: South Africa has a high 95% rate)
literacy rate
title for executive leader in Nigeria, Kenya & South Africa
which country of these has the most stable economy: Nigeria, Kenya or South Africa?
South Africa
what can someone who has HIV do to stop the virus from multiplying and getting worse?
take anti retro viral medications
three important natural resources in central / southern Africa (hint: all three are present in South Africa)
gold, diamonds, uranium
items used to produce other products
ex: machines, tools
capital goods
are the legislative branches in Nigeria, Kenya & South Africa unicameral or bicameral?
which of these three countries has the highest growth in their economy & specializes in tourism and service: Nigeria, Kenya or South Africa?
list three impacts of unstable governments & civil war in sub-Saharan Africa
limited access to education, famine, diseases
true or false: sometimes natural resources help a country's economy and sometimes it leads to conflict over the resource
three types of economic trade barriers
tariff (tax), quota (limit), embargo (ban)