Gold Salt Trade
Muslim Influence
The group in the African Forest that protected the location of the Gold
Who are the Wangarans
Africa is so large that the United States can fit inside of it several times
What is 3 times
Family based communities were the earliest farming community in Africa. They were made up of _________ because it helped to share the work load of planting, clearing fields and harvesting crops
What is extended families
Africans wanted Salt but this group wanted Gold
Who are North Africans or Arabians
New Religious practices included the 5 pillars of faith and celebrating Muslim Religious festivals but Africans were allowed to keep these charms that protected them from harm
What are amulets
This substance was important to people in Africa not because it made food taste better but because their lives depended on it
What is Salt
This Desert zone in Africa is predominantly located in the North and is Hot and Dry. The biggest Desert in Africa and the world is
What is the Sahara
A collection of extended families came together to control flooding, mine for gold and to protect their communities ranging between 15-20 people
What is a village
Salt was so important to this city that without it they would literally not exist
What is Taghaza
Education was very important to Muslims and their new African converts. Many universities were built including the most famous University of Sankore in this town
What is Timbuktu
The location of Ghana made trade very lucrative for them especially during the Gold and Salt trade
What is because Ghana is located between the two parties so each side has to pass through to get what he or she wants
A semi desert is a less dry zone of grasses and shrubs which is also known as
What is the Sahel
Villages that controlled trade routes became very wealth and soon had a population in the thousands
What are Towns and Cities
The positive about this exchange of goods was that it culd be done without worrying about language barriers but a negative is that it could take days or weeks to reach an agreement
What is the silent barter system
The introduction of Arabic language was important for many reasons but the most important was having history written down because African history was shared through
What is oral tradition
One pound of salt was equal to a certain amount of gold
What is one pound
The Sahara Desert and Mountain Ranges share this in common in relationship to the geography of West Africa
What is geographical features that initially isolated West Africa from the trade
This particular City is important because before it was rediscovered people believed that cities did not exist in Africa until outsiders arrived to build them
What is Jenne-Jenno
Muslims were accepted in Mali because their traditional religions were accepted especially after this ruler converted to Islam and made the pilgrimage to Mecca
Who is Mansa Musa
This artistic style was heavily influenced by Muslims and became very popular in West African textiles, clothing and everyday objects
What is Geometric patterns
These two factors increased Trans Saharan Trade in Africa
What are the introduction of camels and the spread of Islam
This area is important because it contains all 4 vegetation zones of Africa within one region, Sahara, Sahel, Forest and Savanna
What is West Africa
The Biggest community you can have in Africa is a Kingdom. West Africa has 3 great Kingdoms in this order
What is Ghana, Mali and Songhai
The acceptance of Muslims made Mali Rise but the segregation of Muslims along with attacks from the Almoravids led to the decline of this kingdom
What is the Kingdom of Ghana
The inheritance of the right to rule changed West African government from _____________ to ________________
What is matrilineal to patrilineal