The Byeri's function
What is a guardian of relics?
The large majority of African art is made of this material
What is wood
Female Pwo masks honor female ancestors because
What is ancestry is traced through mother's lines. OR brings fertility and prosperity
Venerated houses of stone
What is Zimbabwe?
Nkisi Nn'kondi represents
spiritual force that will hunt wrongdoers
Wood, Woven Raffia, Cloth and Venetian Glass Beads
What is the Aka Elephant Mask materials
The largest adobe building in the world.
What is the Great Mosque at Djenne?
These are the three main subject matters of African Art
What is spirituality, initiation, and ancestors
Gives a glossy shine to wood and protects from insects
What is palm oil
Mblo is a public ritual to honor
What is distinguished community elders
Portrait Mask of Moya Yanso is masqueraded by
What is the husband for his wife
these brass works of high relief sculpture adorned the walls of the Oba's palace
What are the Benin plaques?
This African kingdom ruled 2 million people and constructed walls and fortifications throughout its capital city.
What is the Benin Kingdom? (Edo people)
Ndop statues are idealized statues of
What is Kuba leaders
The Ikenga shrine figures are from this time period
What is 19th-20th century
The Kongo peoples activated power figures by...
What is inserting blades/nails to activate spitits in addition to rubbing and applying powder to statues and chanting.
The Great Zimbabwe's economy thrived on
The Igbo people Ikenga is
What is a personal god of masculine achievement?
Sika Dwa Kofi is another name for
What is the Golden Stool
The symbol of the king in this portrait is a drum with a severed hand
What is the Kuba people
African art is very naturalistic (true or false)
What is false. Art is mostly concerned with ideas and spirituality
This colorful mask has geometric designs with symbolic meaning
What is the elephant mask?