Media Growth
What Movie was that?
Whats My Name?
Two dominant trends in media growth over the last 10-20 years
What are horizontal and vertical integration
Effects, What Effects? Power and Influence of the Media
What is the name of chapter two/ this weeks reading?
Film based on the real life of Solomon Northrup, a free man who was enslaved for just a little over a decade.
What is 12 Years a Slave?
Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:40-7:20
What are the days and times for Africana Media Studies Spring Semester 2014?
Good Times
What show features the first black family on television?
A Media corporation that owns many different types of media and media products. Viacom is an example
What is horizontal integration
Outpouring of concern about the corrupting and depraving influence of American comic books and rock 'n' roll music. In the 1930s concerns were over the cinema.
What are social concerns of media influence?
Documentary on the rise and fall of the genre of films known as blaxploitation
What is Baadasssss Cinema?
Tuesday April 29th @ 4:40pm
What is the date and time of the Africana Media Studies Final?
Writings and reporting viewed as precursor to developments in modern feminism. Autobiography Crusade for Justice recounts her work on lynching in the U.S.
Who is Ida B. Wells?
Large media corporations merge to form an even larger media corporation
What is concentration of ownership (consolidation)?
Never formulated into any systematic theory, it is the earliest perspective on media effects. Known as hypodermic needle or magic bullet theory.
What are direct effect theories?
Film loosely based on the series Good Times and the rise of the Fox television network
What is Dancing in September?
Africana Media and the Digital Age
What is the subject/theme/topic for next weeks class?
Founded the media company Radio One and later expanded to TV One. She is the first and only Africana woman to head a publicly traded corporation (in 1998)
Who is Cathy Hughes?
Segram's Universal, Sony, Time Warner, Bertelsmann, and EMI
Who are the five media corporations responsible for 95% of all music distributed in the U.S as of 2010
Though there are several versions of this model, it is possible to identify three basic assumptions on which this approach rests
What is the uses and gratifications limited effects model/theory?
This film related to Africana music and radio was cancelled due to a snow day.
What is Cadillac Records?
31 South Court St. Suite 122 Rm 137 Tuesdays 1-2:30 and by appointment
What is the location of the Professors office and when are office hours?
Screenwriter, director and producer. First Africana woman to be an executive producer of a prime time series with an Africana lead
Who is Shonda Rhimes?
Two largest 'world majority' groups (Africana and Latina/o people) own barley 1% of this sector
What is the TV broadcast sector?
One of the most influential theories about the cumulative impact of the media. Theory argues that regular usage of television over a long period of time can influence people's beliefs and conduct
What is Cultivation Analysis theory?
The Class did not watch this film but it comes up in the early readings frequently and is considered a template for how black representation would be in cinema for several generations. The film was based on a novel and was the first film screened in the White House
What is Birth of a Nation?
Identify foundations of Africana participation in Africana media in the United States
What is a learning goal or course objective?
A sociologist, historian, pan-Africanist and author his ideas and research played a major role in the development of Africana Studies
Who is W.E.B. Du Bois?