The Basics

This term can be defined as “literature derived by word of mouth and has turned out to be a very useful concept for those scholars interested in examining the cultural relationships between those who can read and write and those who cannot–or, in a more professional language, between orality and literacy” 

What is oral literature? 


This an Oral Literature device whereby the oral performer departs for a moment from the main line of the subject of the story or song either to address an object (or person) at the scene of performance or to comment on an issue which may be closely or remotely connected with the main subject.

What is Digression


A term that emphasizes more of the oral character of the literature

What is Orature


A play on sounds whereby the syllables of a word are subjected to a variety of tonal changes to produce different meanings that have been used as a form of cultural verification during times of conflict in Africa

What is a tongue-twister?


This is a proverb and means “kindness/good deeds never go bad”.

What is ‘wema hauozi’?


This term can be defined as a piece of folk wisdom that is expressed with terseness and charm. 

What is a proverb?


What stylistic quality uses words to paint vivid mental pictures that appeal to our feeling and understanding?

What is Imagery


This is a name that some cultures use for skilled storytellers who memorize and repeat stories in order to maintain a tradition of oral history?

What is a Griot


 _____ are tales involving trickery and deceit, a breach of faith leading perhaps to the end of a relationship between the parties involved, mostly animals

What are trickster tales?


This theme is very common in many Oral Performances and involves an older character.

What is respecting one’s elders?


This term can be defined as is a type of literature that puts emphasis on the fact that this form of literature comes from the past and is handed down

What is the meaning of Traditional literature? 


When ideas build on each other and eventually form a climax this is called ______? 

What is piling


This is a person that is conscious of the audience members and not only must anticipate their reactions but frequently engages in actual dialogue with them when they as questions or make comments.

What is a narrator?


During many folktales used in story-telling and cross-generational conversations in different cultures these are phrases that help provide wisdom from experience, observations and elements of the Earth, and historical context

What is a proverb?


These are the 3 main types of tone instruments generally used in African musical tradition. 

What are horns, drums, and flutes. 


This term can be defined as a story originating in pop culture that is typically passed on by word of mouth.

What is Folktale


He kills on the right and destroys on the left. 

He kills on the left and destroys on the right.

Is an example of what stylistic quality? 

What is parallelism, specifically a Chiasmus.


This person often joins in with the storyteller to add qualities like music and extra sounds. They can help or harm the performance, depending on how well they work together with the oral artist.

What is an accompanist?


This pattern of performance consists of a “call” and “response”, with a set of questions and answers by which performers bring in various parts of the story.

What is an antiphonal group performance?


This oral performer, also known as EL Cyrs, is one of the few U.S. born practitioners of the West African storytelling technique Jaliyaa and is a renowned musician and traditional harpist. His telling of the story of Sokufo Seriba was discussed in class.

Who is Baba the Storyteller?


What is a concrete or familiar object that is used in as an explanation of an abstract idea or unfamiliar object or event?

What is a symbol/symbolism?


This stylistic quality is simply sounds conveying a vivid impression

What is an ideophone?


 This is the driving force of an oral performance and can steer its direction. They hold influential power over the simayi and can even participate/engage as part of the story being articulated.

What is the audience?


This type of Oral Literature is often used as a game, and revolves around creative descriptions of everyday things.

What is a Riddle?


This is an example of a type of sung African Oral Performance: 

Leader: Kye Kye Kule

Chorus: Kye Kye Kule

Leader: Kye Kye Kofinsa

Chorus: Kye Kye Kofinsa

Leader: Kofisa Langa

Chorus: Kofisa Langa

What is it?

What is Call and Response?
