Strongly and stoutly built; sturdy and robust... strong and brave
De constitución fuerte y robusta; robusto y robusto... fuerte y valiente
What is Stalwart
Silky Bob's POV is a compass word that means; Rash, know-it-all, and hot shot.
El punto de vista de Silky Bob es una palabra clave que significa; Imprudente, sabelotodo y experto.
What is overconfident
Silky Bob made his money in this part of the country.
Silky Bob hizo su dinero en esta parte del país.
What is the west.
O. Henry wrote most of his stories in this location.
O. Henry escribió la mayoría de sus historias en este lugar.
What is prison.
a literary device by which the audience's or reader's understanding of events or individuals in a work surpasses that of its characters.
un recurso literario mediante el cual la comprensión de la audiencia o del lector sobre eventos o individuos en una obra supera la de sus personajes.
What is Dramatic Irony
to reduce or remove the population of a place
Reducir o eliminar la población de un lugar.
What is depeopled
Officer wells POV was a compass word that means; fair-minded, objective, blameless, moral.
Oficial Wells POV era una palabra clave que significaba; imparcial, objetivo, intachable, moral.
What is Just
Jimmy was a police officer in this city.
Jimmy era oficial de policía en esta ciudad.
What is New York.
O. Henry's Christmas story is called...
El cuento navideño de O. Henry se llama...
What is Gift of the Magi
occurs when the literal meaning of what someone says is different from what they actually mean.
Ocurre cuando el significado literal de lo que alguien dice es diferente de lo que realmente quiere decir.
What is Verbal Irony
to have the strength to bounce back after an obstacle
tener la fuerza para recuperarse después de un obstáculo
What is resilience
The mood of the setting at the start of the story was a compass word that means; sentimental, touching, memorable.
El ambiente del escenario al comienzo de la historia era una palabra clave que significa; sentimental, conmovedor, memorable.
What is nostalgic
The two men where suppose to meet at this time.
Se suponía que los dos hombres se encontrarían en este momento.
What is 10 PM
a style of theater in which the actors present dramatic readings of narrative material without costumes, props, scenery, or special lighting
un estilo de teatro en el que los actores presentan lecturas dramáticas de material narrativo sin vestuario, utilería, escenografía o iluminación especial.
What is reader's theater
when something happens that's the opposite of what you would expect
Cuando sucede algo que es lo contrario de lo que esperarías.
What is situational Irony
communicate by exchanging letters, emails, or other messages
comunicarse mediante el intercambio de cartas, correos electrónicos u otros mensajes
While talking to the policeman, Silky Bob was this compass word that means; unaware, unsuspecting and out of it.
Mientras hablaba con el policía, Silky Bob fue esta palabra de compás que significa; inconsciente, desprevenido y fuera de sí.
What is oblivious
This type of police officer arrested Bob.
Este tipo de policía arrestó a Bob.
What is plain clothed
When writing dialogue and you tell how the speaker said the words and what he was doing as he said it, is called...
When writing dialogue and you tell how the speaker said the words and what he was doing as he said it, is called...
What is dialogue action tags
the use of irony to mock or convey contempt
el uso de la ironía para burlarse o transmitir desprecio
What is Sarcasm
a fake writer's name or a pen name is called _______________. For example O. Henry is not his real name.
el nombre de un escritor falso o un seudónimo se llama ________________.
What is a pseudonym
The mood at the end of the story was this compass word that means; problematic, challenging, and complicated.
El ambiente al final de la historia fue esta palabra clave que significa; problemático, desafiante y complicado.
What is confounded
Jimmy revealed his identity in a _________________.
Jimmy reveló su identidad en un _________________.
What is a letter
This is how did Silky Bob refer to his cash?
¿Así se refería Silky Bob a su gran montón de dinero en efectivo?
What is a pile
O. Henry's stories most often contain an ___________ _______________.
Las historias de O. Henry contienen con mayor frecuencia un ___________ ______________.
What is ironic twist.