Interpersonal Effectiveness
Emotional Regulation
Distress Tolerance

What is mindfulness?

Being fully present in the moment, tuning into your experiences, paying attention intentionally.


What are some synonyms of attachment?

Bond, connection, relationship

Describe what healthy communication could look like on your end in relation to tone, body language, facial expressions, language, etc.

Individual answers. Open body language, using "I" statements, gentle/assertive tone, etc.


If my action urge was to isolate, opposite action could be....

Reach out to someone via text/phone call, seeing someone, doing anything remotely social or in community with others.


How could we define a crisis?

A crisis is short-term, feels like it needs to be resolved/addressed immediately, and involves intense stress. 

What is one of day that you could practice mindfulness informally?

Any time of day, doing any task/activity!


What are the "three P's" of attachment?

Proximity, protection, and predictability


When is a good time for an important conversation?

When neither person is distracted, both have had time to prepare/think about what they want to say and aren't overly exhausted. Time of day/week will vary for each person! It's about finding a time that works for both parties.


I'm feeling depressed but I really shouldn't, because my life isn't that bad compared to other people's. I should feel grateful.

Why is this thinking unhelpful?

Adding judgement/shame to our emotions does not make them go away, it just makes it harder for us to validate and recognize our feelings and respond to them in a healthy way. Comparison is not going to change our feelings.


What can we do if we are not able to access crisis survival skills in the moment?

Call someone else, call a hotline, or call 911 if its an emergency.

Why is mindfulness an important skill?

It allows us to attune with our emotions, bodily sensations, and experiences. This in turn helps us to know what our needs are, be more present with others around us, and take in more our environment. 


Why does having a secure attachment lead to more positive outcomes?

Secure attachment develops trust in relationships and the world around us, which in turn allows us to be more open and communicative.


What are the four "communication danger signs?" 

Escalation, invalidation, avoidance/withdrawal, and negative interpretations.


What does "noticing I am not my emotions" mean?

Placing distance between the emotion you are feeling and your identity/sense of self. We have emotions that are valid, but we are not our emotions. Fusing with them adds pressure, shame, and overwhelm and makes them feel like they will never change or go away. 

What does TIPP stand for?

Temperature, intense exercise/movement, paced breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation.

What is an example of a mindfulness exercise we did in the Day Hospital?

Progressive muscle relaxation, body scan, deep breathing such as 4-4-4/box breathing. 


What is one way you could work on attachment with your child today?

Eye contact, play, watching over them, comforting them, smiling/gentle facial expression as you interact, touch or close physical proximity.


Name as many of the acronyms in GIVE/FAST as you can.

Gentle, interested, validating, easy manner. Fair, (no) apologies, stick to values, and be truthful. 


Emotions are meant to....

give us a message/information about something we are experiencing. They are meant to be adaptive. 


What has self-care been looking like since leaving the Day Hospital?

Individual responses.


We don't want to _________ ourselves while trying to be mindful.



Can you begin developing attachment while pregnant? How?

Yes!! By talking to the baby, touching your belly, singing, reading, or any other type of interaction that familiarizes baby with your voice/presence.


How have you been working on communication since discharging from the Day Hospital? How has it been going?

Individual answers.


What are some of your coping skills for difficult emotions?

Could be anything! Cold therapy, grounding exercises, positive affirmations, reaching out to supports, removing yourself from an environment, spending time outside/in nature, deep breathing exercises, mindfulness/meditation, using stress balls, chewing gum or candy, exercise/movement, listening to music, engaging in a hobby, engaging in singing, thought defusion, progressive muscle relaxation, self-care activities, etc.


What is one way you can remember coping and distress tolerance skills in your daily life outside of DH?

Writing them in your phone, keeping your handouts nearby, writing them somewhere you can see them, sharing them with others, using tangible/physical coping skills (e.g. having a stress ball or an ice pack accessible). 
