Looking for a Job
Visiting the Walk-in Clinic
Communicating with your Child's School

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in brackets:

"If they save enough money, they ( not need ) a car loan."

will not need


If the hiring manager asks you on a job interview :"What id your availability?" , what do they mean by "availability"?

When you can start and how often you can work


When you visit a walk-in clinic or hospital, which card do the receptionist ask you for?

Your health card


What is a reason that parents may call the school?

To say that their child will be late or absent


Your credit card statement shows that your account balance is $200. The minimum payment is $10 and it should be paid by Jan.30. You pay $10 on Jan. 24. Are you going to have interest charges? YES or NO?

Yes, because you still have $190 left unpaid


What is the missing preposition in the sentence below:

"He has lived in Toronto ...... 1994."

"He has lived in Toronto since 1994."


Name one job for which you need a degree

teacher, lawyer, doctor


Name two services that are most important for you when choosing a walk-in clinic

Open on the weekend, doctor speaks your language, has an onsite pharmacy


At what age do children in Canada start Grade 1?

At 6


What is a joint account?

An account which is shared with someone else


What advice would you give to Jane? 

"Jane smokes too much. She’s always coughing."

You should stop smoking.


When an employer says that they will call if anything comes up, it means:

They may call you when they have a job opening.


Give at least one example when you have to update your health card information

When you move to a new address; when you get married and change your last name


If you see the following sentence written by your child's teacher in his report card , which subject will it refer to? :

"He has a lot of difficulty working through the editing phase of the writing process"

Language ( Writing )


Name three services that you can do through online banking

transfer funds; pay bills; view statements


Arrange the parts of this sentence in the correct order:

"which are usually red /Other traditional ornaments at this time / and have an oval shape. /, are lanterns,"

Other traditional ornaments at this time , are lanterns,which are usually red and have an oval shape.


In the following sentence, what does it mean "to build a network"?:

I need to build a network so I can find a

people you know who might help you find a job


Which of the following symptoms can refer to problems with your nose:

cramps  stuffed up    migraine     nausea     congested     diarrhea      runny    constipated  stiff

stuffed up




Give at least 2 reasons why a parent can request to meet their child's teacher

Low marks; the child is being bullied; doesn't have any friends


Give one example of a security question that the computer might ask you when you want to sign in to your bank account online.

"What is your mother's maiden name"?


Complete the sentence with a, the or NO article.

" To check people's credit, .....banks look at things like ...... credit card payments."

" To check people's credit, banks look at things like  credit card payments."


What is the difference between a job application form and a resume

Job application forms have a standardized format and the applicant needs to fill them out.

Resumes are typically more flexible in terms of format. They are written by the applicant and they are not forms. They are usually presented in a chronological or functional format and allow you to highlight key achievements, skills, and experiences


What is "hay fever"?

It is an allergy from some flowers and trees


Your child will be absent from school and you need to leave a voice mail for the school. Name at least 3 important details you need to say in your message

 child's name; which grade; the reason for absence;  teacher's name


Give examples of 3 different forms of credit

credit cards; car loan; mortgage
