10 mins of Success
Academic activities and behavior intervention
Homework and Grade Check Time
Circles and transition
Enrichment and points

What should you be doing during 10 mins of Success?

Reading a book. 

That's it.


What should students be doing during Academic activities? 

Participating in the activity 

respectfully listening to City Years 

sitting quietly until it is your turn to speak

raising your hand to answer a question if the situation requires it.


What should you be doing during Homework Time?

Any homework you have. Past and present even future homework if you want to. IDC! As long as it's homework. Don't care what class it is, as long as it's one you have. 

How should we behave while in circle?

Staying in one spot during the whole circle time

remaining quiet unless it is your turn to say a joy or appreciation


What should we do during Enrichment?


quietly listening

raising our hands to answer questions

paying attention...


What are examples of things we should not be doing? 

Anything besides reading a book. 

(Examples include: talking, whispering, making noises just to make them, making noises to be funny, talking, staring around, walking around...)


What should students not be doing during Academic Activity Time?

Talking, throwing things,

whispering, having their phones out,

or not paying attention 



What should we not be doing during Homework Help time?

Playing music out loud on any device.

watching videos or playing games online.

Anything that is not homework if you have homework. 

Talking (especially loudly)


What should we not be doing during Circles?

Talking, whispering, moving in and out of circle, switching spots during circle...


What should students not be doing during Enrichment?

Talking to each other

throwing things

hitting each other




Can we listen to music?

Yes, if we use headphones and keep the volume down. And if it isn't distracting us from reading.


who makes the academic activities?



What can you do if you finish your homework?

Read a book, work on english or math with a city year, maybe play a game if there is a city year available to play and supervise...


Should students be saying announcements?

No. They became too silly so we are only saying serious announcements and only City Years will be saying the announcements. 


What can you get points for? (name 5 things)

Finishing homework, leading circle responsibly, participating in AA, Enrichments, As and Bs in Grade check times, helping clean up - (picking up trash, putting up multiple chairs on tuesdays and thursdays, cleaning up after others) ...


What type or level of book should we be reading?

Chapter books, books at our grade or lexile level

Not picture books basically if it isn't a comic book, the space the words take up should be bigger than the space the pictures take up. 


What are the steps for correcting inappropriate  behavior? (hint: the first step is a warning)

Warning ---- Coaching conversation -----Stop and think paper, and talk with parents ----- suspension


What should we do when it is grade check time?

login to schoology and check our grades and show a city year, not do anything else online


What are our guide-"lines" for transitioning between inside and outside?

quietly transitioning

in a straight line

not hitting each other in any way, whispering, talking 


What is something you have learned from enrichment?

We will decide by vote if the answer provided is good enough.


Why do we do 10 mins of Success?

So we can be able to reach our AR goals, to keep getting points towards Dodger prizes, and to improve our reading abilities since reading will be very important throughout life.


We do academic activities related to math and English. 

Why is it important for us to participate in math and english activities?

These subjects are core subjects that we need to work on and improve our skills on. What we learn now are basic building blocks for things we will need in the future and then for the rest of life after college. The activities provide for us a fun way of learning skills without it being boring. This is what we need to remember. It's not about who wins, it is about the fact that we are learning or practicing skills


Why should we be doing homework even if we don't want to?

To improve our grades

check that we are understanding what we should be learning

to build good study habits for high school and college 

so our parents aren't mad or disappointed in us

to practice problems

because it is our responsibility


Why is respectful behavior important during circles?

Respectful behavior allows: students to hear announcements, City Years to not have to repeat themselves as much, it allows everyone to hear about the positive parts of each other's days. 

Not listening to others joys shows that we don't care and that is disrespectful and rude. 


Enrichment is a time to learn or practice life skills (goal setting, teamwork, social awareness...)

Why is it important that we are behaving and paying attention during this time?

These are skills that are important in life, not just in the future but also right now in 7th grade. They are things you need to get better at, and they will help you understand the world better.
