spring locks in a animatronics
who was did c.c have to share possetion with.
how did michael afton die?
was put in a scoper.
how did lizy die
crase baby
how did clara die
driving of a clif becuase of the stress
who killed willam
the souls he killed
what is c.cs name?
chris afton, crying child
who were the people who killed michael afton?
eilizabith afton and ennerd.
who did lizy kill
who dose clara posses
why did he kill the kids
becuase c.c and lizy died
how did c.c die?
golden freddy.
when michal died what happend to him?
he turn into a corps.
lizys siblings are?
michal and c.c
who is claras husben
willam afton
who is willams wife
clara afton
who killed c.c?
foxy bro,freddy bro,bonnie bro, and chieka bro
who is michals cousin.
what was the pursinality of lizy.
fun,playful,happy,anoing a little
who were the children of hers that died
michal, c.c, lizy
who controls willam
spring trap
4 bullies, and the nightmare animatronics
who is ennerd.
noah/ michals past friend
why did william not let lizy go neer curcas baby
he thought it was to danguras
how was her soul set free
michal setting all the animatronics ablaze