air seeder
machine that helps agricultural producers who are looking to make seeding quicker and more efficient.
An anemometer is a device used in meteorology to measure wind speed and direction.
anhydrous applicator with tank
a high-pressure liquid that converts to a liquid-gas mixture as pressure drops while traveling to the knife outlet.
articulated tractor
a type of tractor that has a pivoting joint or articulation point in the middle that allows the tractor to articulate between the front and rear frames, providing increased performance and mobility.
Auger platform head for combine
large-diameter horizontal auger that feeds the crop material from the cutterbar into the auger table.
bale wagon
it loads and stack bales of different sizes and shapes
belt pickup head for combine
pick-up headers feature spring-tined pickups, usually attached to a heavy rubber belt
broadcast spreader
is a farm implement commonly used for spreading seed, lime, fertilizer, sand, ice melt, etc.
chemigation unit for irrigation
the application of agrochemicals to soil or crops through an irrigation system.
a machine that harvests various cultivated seeds by combining reaping, threshing and gathering in one process.
efficient mechanical handling apparatus for automatically transporting loads and materials within an area.
corn head for combine
pointed snouts which go between the rows of corn. Rotating rolls within the head pull the corn plant down and snap the ear off the stalk.
is an agricultural implement with concave metal discs that chop up weeds, crop residue, and soil. It is used for primary or secondary tillage.
disk chisel
is modified chisel plow equipment that can help with minimum tillage in all residue conditions.
draper head for combine or swather
a specialized harvesting attachment for farm equipment that cuts and gathers grain crops
drawn planter
a farm implement, usually towed behind a tractor, that sows (plants) seeds in rows throughout a field.
field cultivator
is commonly utilized with a tractor to help prep a field for planting.
forage harvester
a farm implement that chops and collects forage plants to make silage for livestock feed.
GPS reciever
is a L-band radio processor capable of solving the navigation equations in order to determine the user position, velocity and precise time (PVT), by processing the signal broadcasted by GPS satellites.
Grain bin/leg
are elevators used to lift grain up and into grain bins.
grain drill
a drill for sowing small grains
grain dryer
A grain dryer is a machine used in the agricultural industry to remove excess moisture from grain kernels.
gravity wagon
is an angled hopper style wagon that utilizes gravity to make the unloading process easier. It is primarily used on farms for agricultural purposes, such as for holding crops or fertilizer.
hay mower conditioner
is designed to crimp and crush newly cut hay with the goal of promoting faster, even drying.
Hay rake
is an agricultural rake used to collect cut hay or straw into windrows for later collection