These are types of analysis to perform on your business taking into consideration the internal and external environments.
Increasing the value of the product through processing, packaging, or other improvements after the product leaves the site of production.
What is Value-Added
Purchase of best products at the best price
What is buying
What is a terminal market
Price acknowledging inflation
Real price
This part of the marketing plan identifies other businesses products, pricing, marketing, pros and cons. It also identifies your consumer.
Market Research
The value of producing the next best alternative
Opportunity Costs
Moving product
What is Transporting
Buyer comes to the farm
Direct Sales
The consumer is charged a lump-sum fee plus a price for each unit purchased.
Two part pricing
Politics play a large role in this
What is Supply and Demand
What the consumers' thoughts are on the value of the product varies.
You have to know whats going on in the market today this is called...
What is gathering market information
Group of producers to sell a product- ex. Colorado Potato Council
What is a Cooperative
offering discounts to consumers who purchase more units of the good.
2nd degree price discrimination
Irrigation and Diversification is known as this...
What is a Management Practice
What is Values
A) the consumers do not want or need what you are offering, B) they want what you offer but not at your price, C) newer or better products render your product obsolete
These three are known as ________ to a business
What is risk or risk taking
Hedging and contracts
What is a Futures Market
This type of market bases price off of last years supply
market with a year-long production lag.
This takes into account all information such as price, market outlook, expected production, and your consumer
What is Strategies.
the study of how individuals purchase products with the attributes that lead to consequences which fulfill their personal values.
Means-end chain analysis
Peaches $48 compared to $25 for seconds
Right Quality and Quantity
Tyson Foods for example
Vertical Intergration
the consumer either purchases a specific number of units at a price or no units.
All or nothing