Behavior expressed not the same behavior shown when real money is on the line
Hypothetical Bias
hamburger buns and hamburger
The who what when where
Explanation of your business
Selling two or more goods at a single price
To shape consumer perceptions and attitudes about the product or commodity and to establish a long term market base.
Why we advertise
People often group individual choices together in sets
Choice Bracketing
The big picture statement
Vision Statement
Balance Sheets, Income Statements, Inventory
Essential Finance Statements
Where consumers agree to purchase specific components or complements to a good from the same firm it purchases the good
Required Tie-in Sale
Internal evaluation of SWOT Analysis
Strengths and Weaknesses
Identifying ___________ of a customer is essential in marketing. Age, beliefs for example
Butter and Margarine for example
Also known as incentives
Decreased in trust in a product on a demand curve
Leftward shift
Decision making process
an evaluation or affective (emotional) response to a concept
Business offering in excess of the product. Ex. Charity donation with each purchase
Consumer Price Index
Product, Price, Place, Promotion
4 Ps of Marketing
Bottom – water, air, food
Safety – security, shelter, order, stability
Loving – social needs, the need to be accepted by others
Esteem – ego, prestige, status, self-esteem, accomplishment
Self actualization – individuals have a need to reach their full potential and relate such needs as self-fulfillment, creativity, justice, meaning
Maslows Hierarchy of needs
the act of charging different prices to different people
Price Discrimination
Ex. “To be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information, using its portfolio of brands to differentiate its content, services and consumer products.”
Mission Statement
Firm are identify and separate all consumers into distinct groups.
Reselling between consumer groups is prevented.
The different groups have different elasticities of demand.
Must be able to avoid prosecution by antitrust authorities.
Conditions for 3rd degree price discrimination
How much time do consumers have for leisure is known as this type of factor in PEST analysis
Sociocultural Factors