Making Spiritual Progress With Peter
Fall Season Trivia
Name the Worship Song Title
Agape Trivia

What was Peter's job, before becoming a disciple of Christ?



What is the first day of autumn known as

Autumn Equinox

"cast me not away from thy presense o Lord. And take not thy holy spirit from me"

Create In Me


Name all the YG teachers/leaders

Dan, Miso, David, John, Amanda, P. John


What was Peter's name, before becoming a disciple of Christ?



How many seeds does an average pumpkin produce? You can be off by 100



"You are the way, the truth and the life. We live by faith and not by sight for you."

One way


For 50 points each, name all the people who served at the Restore retreat

P. John, Elijah, David Kwon, Chan Lee, Andrew Kim, Eugene Jang, Bryan Lee, Andy Kim, Daniel Lee, Eunice Kwon, Grace Kwon, Esther Kwon, Amanda In, Miso Lee, Audrey Kim


What was the symbol that Jesus said would happen, after denying Jesus three times?

Rooster would crow 


Which state produces the most pumpkins?



"Let me hear your voice resounding"

New Heart
For 200 points each, what month and year did P. John and Amanda get married, and what month and year did Dan and Miso get married?

1) June 2018

2) Nov 2019


What was the 1st miracle that Peter was able to perform when he was with John?

Lame beggar healed


What is the most popular Halloween candy in America?



"there's a healing light, just beyond the clouds"

Canvas and Clay


How many pairs of siblings does the YG have, where siblings are currently in the YG? Ellina, Nathan, and Leanne are not a pair because Ellina doesn't have a sibling in the YG as of right now. Bonus 200 if you can name all the pairs. This question will have a 1 minute countdown. If you don't have all the pairs written out, you do not get the bonus 200.

9 Pairs

Sean, Ian and Irene

Ayden and Jayden

Manny and Jonathan

Caleb and Jaden

Eugene and Hannah

Tommy and Jimmy

Sejung, Yejung, and Joel

Esther and Eunice

Joseph and Catherine


Why did Jesus call Peter, "the rock" on which Jesus will build his church? Bonus 300 points if you are able to share "additional details" on the answer

Because Peter and "rock" sound similar in Greek. Petro and Petras


For 200 points each. What color does each leave turn into?

1) Red maple

2) Sugar maple

3) Aspen leaves

4) Oak leaves (2 colors, only need one right)

1) Red/Scarlet

2) Orange/Red

3) Golden

4) Brown or Red


For 200 points each

1) "I'm no longer a slave to my sin anymore"

2) "Oh spirit be the star..."

3) "...extends to call me friend..."

4) "...there my shame forgotten..."

1) Another in the fire

2) Humble King

3) Unashamed

4) Soon


Group effort. For 200 points each, get these three pieces of info all together

1) Year of a retreat

2) Theme of a retreat

3) Speaker for the retreat 

1) Summer 2022, Restore, P. John

2) Dec 2019, More of You, P. John

3) Dec 2018, Undivided, Pastor Rich Kim 

4) Dec 2017, Near, Pastor Peter Moon

5) Dec 2016, Life to the Full, Pastor David Kang

6) Dec 2015, Surrender, Pastor Jeff Abiera

7) Dec 2014, Reveal, P. John

8) Jan 2014, Open, P. John and P. Seb 

9) Dec 2012, Devotion, Pastor Sungsoo Kang
