What do the three G's mean?
Gold, Glory and God.
What role did Portugal play in Age of discovery?
Led explorers like Vasco da Gama played a pivotal role in the age of discovery by establishing sea routes to Africa
A company operating in many countries
Multinational Corporation
European explorer to first reach to the Indian sea?
Vasco da Game
Who is she?
A Brazilian model
What was the Columbian exchange?
Trading ventures across seas and oceans increased in plants, cultures and population
Where did the French settled in?
Quebec and Montreal
Payment made to support an enterprise a government thinks is beneficial
Who was the person that found the city of Quebec?
Samuel de Champlain
How many sates are in the United states?
50 states
What factors determined social statues in colonial Latin America?
Race and birthplace
Where did the Dutch settle in?
Hudson River
Difference in value between imports and exports
Balance of trade
Who arrived to the Americas as a Spanish settler and received his own encomienda?
Bartolome de las casas
Doha is located in?
Qatar/East cost of Qatar peninsula
What economic theories were born during the age of European exploration?
A type of economic system known as capitalism continued to flourish
Where did the British settle in?
Jamestown/ the americas
A system of labor the Spanish used in the Americas
Who's this person?
Christopher Columbus
What is Ralph Lauren?
A fashion clothe/accessories/Fragrances brand
What role did the catholic church play in the colonization of Latin America?
brought the native American together for mission and to be converted
How did Spain and Portugal avoid conflict?
the treaty of tordistalies
What was the Columbian exchange?
The exchange of animals, plants, and diseases
Who explored the Caribbean and south America?
Amerigo Vespucci
Which model shares the same birthdate as me? (Oct 9)