Around what time period did the English claim lands in the americas?
the 1600s!!!!
When did Portuguese Exploration begin?
What is a settlement of people living in a new territory, linked with the parent country by trade and direct government control.
a Colony
What does it mean to Circumnavigate?
To travel around completely.
who is this dude
george washington!!! ๐๐๐๐คโฐ(*ยฐโฝยฐ*)โฏ๐
What did the english receive in the triangular trade?
sugar, rum, and raw materials!!!
What disease did the Spanish give to the Inca
It was smallpox! ๐
What is evangelization?
The act of converting people to Christianity.
What is a galleon?
A Spanish trading ship larger and heavier than a caravel.
Who is this??
thats Rosa Parks!! ๐๐๐๐
What did the english give africa in the triangular trade? ๐
manufactured goods
How was an international conflict between Spain and Portugal averted?
the Treaty of Tordesillas
what are soldiers and explorers who led the Spanish conquest of the Americas called?
What is Mita?
a labor system that the Spanish administrators in Peru used to draft indigenous people to work.
Who is the president right now?
Donald Trump.
What country did the British East ____ Company gain control of
(fill in blank too)
Its india!!!
British East India Company
Was Christopher Columbus from Spain or Portugal?
What is the middle passage?
The forced voyage of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas
What is a Mestizo?
A person of mixed European and Native American descent
What is the god that Christianity worships?
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
Until when did the British East India Company stop ruling india?
Which directions did the Spain and Portuguese go?
the Portuguese went south along the coast of west Africa, the Spanish headed west across the Atlantic ocean.
What is mercantilism?
a set of principles that dominated economic thought in the seventeenth century; it held that the prosperity of a nation depended on a large supply of gold and silver.
What is a mulatto?
A person of mixed African and European descent.
What year did B.C.E or B.C start?
1 ๐