What was the name of the land trade route that ran from China to Turkey?
The Great Silk Road
A school of navigation
Why did Columbus sail west?
He believed by sailing west he would reach India from the east.
Name one of the two nations in the Americas that were conquered by the Spanish empire.
The Aztecs/Inca
What metals were sent back to Spain and Portugal during and after the conquest of the Americas?
Gold and silver
Identify a change in seafaring (sailing) that allowed the Age of Exploration to take place. (Hint: how ships were built, new types of ship, new methods of identifying location).
Ship type: Caravel, nao, carrack
Navigational tools: astrolabe, quadrant
To find an alternative route to India, as the Great Silk Road had become too dangerous.
In what year did Columbus set sail?
What does the Spanish word 'conquistador' translate to?
Name one new animal or plant that was introduced from Europe to the Americas.
Horses, donkeys, pigs, cattle, rice, oranges, grapes bananas, etc.
Which two empires dominated the early stages of the Age of Exploration?
Spain and Portugal
Name the Portuguese captain who first reached the Cape of Good Hope.
Bartholomew Diaz.
Name the three ships given to Columbus.
Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
Who conquered the Aztecs?
Hernan Cortes
Name one new animal or plant that was introduced from the Americas to Europe.
Christian nations wanted to convert non-Christians to their religion, encouraging them to discover new lands.
Name the Portuguese captain who first successfully sailed around the coast of Africa and subsequently reached India.
Vasco Da Gama
Why did Columbus label the Native Americans as 'Indians'?
He thought he had reached India.
Who conquered the Inca?
Francisco Pizarro
Why did the indigenous population of the Americas suffer so severely from European diseases?
The indigenous had never encountered European diseases before and therefore had no immune system defences to fight those diseases.
How did the Renaissance contribute to sparking the Age of Exploration?
The Renaissance encouraged a spirit of learning new ideas and changing perspectives of the world, which promoted exploration
What did Portugal gain from the Treaty of Tordesillas?
All newly discovered land east of the map line drawn for the Treaty.
What did Spain gain from the Treaty of Tordesillas?
All newly discovered land west of the map line drawn for the Treaty.
Name the capital of either the Aztecs or the Inca. (If you can name both you will receive double points).
Inca: Cuzco
How did the colonisation of the Americas cause the formation of the transatlantic slave trade?
The Spanish and Portuguese empires felt the need to reinforce their workforce in the Americas with cheap slave labour, leading to a huge number of African slaves being transported to the New World