1: World Travel and Trade
2: New Ideas in Europe
3: Europeans in America
4: Conquest of the Americas
5: New Spain

The Silk Road connected Europe and what country?

What is China?


This invention helped sailors steer without seeing the sun or stars

a) compass      b) astrolabe

c) gunpowder   d) the printing press

b) What is the compass?


King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella paid for this man's voyage because they hoped he would find riches, such as gold

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This Spanish explorer explored the southwest in 1540

a) Coronado          b) Ponce de Leon

c) Cortes               d) Columbus

a) Who is Coronado?


The Spanish built these to protect their colonies

a) missions            b) presidios

c) haciendas          d) gold and silver mines

b) What are presidios?


Timbuktu was the central trading city in:

a) Asia            b) Mali

c) Europe        d) Arabia

b) What is Mali


This man of Portugal started a school of navigation to encourages sailors to explore

Who is Prince Henry


Columbus landed on this land after he sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean

a) the Bahamas        b) India

c) North Africa          d) Portugal

a) What are the Bahamas?


This Spanish explorer was looking for the "fountain of youth" and claimed Florida before Cortes conquered the Aztecs

a) Coronado            b) Ponce de Leon

c) Cortez                 d) Columbus

Who is Ponce de Leon?


Spanish settlers imported enslaved Africans for this reason

What is the need for workers to replace the American Indians who died?


Marco Polo saw new inventions in China, such as _________ and _________.

What are paper and printing?


The Portuguese named the tip of Africa this name

What is the Cape of Good Hope?


Columbus brought back these vegetables and items to Europe from America in the Columbian Exchange (please name as many as you can)

What are corn, tomatoes, potatoes, squash, peanuts, and cacao?


Spain sent explorers to Central and South America in search of this

What is gold?


The Spanish colonists treated the American Indians in this harsh way

Why did the Spanish colonists force American Indians to work on farms and in mines?


This group of people stopped all of their voyages of exploration due to having a new ruler

Who are the Chinese?


Vasco de Gama sailed to India on these two oceans

What are the Atlantic and Indian oceans


This explorer claimed a large part of South America for Portugal in 1500

a) Ferdinand Magellan     b) Vasco de Balboa

c) Pedro Alvarez Cabral   d) Christopher Columbus

c) Who is Pedro Alvarez Cabral?


Other Indian nations, along with Cortez, defeated this man

Who is Moctezuma or the Spanish King?


Bartholome de las Casas spoke against this problem

What is the bad treatment of American Indians


Merchants had to cross this (hot) area to get from Tripoli to Gao  (be specific)

What is the Sahara desert?


This man sailed south and east when he went from Portugal to India

Who was Vasco da Gama?


Six years after Balboa reached the Pacific Ocean, this Portuguese explorer began his voyage (hint: a straight is named after him)

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?


This group of people controlled a huge empire, lived in a city (bigger than any in Europe), and were conquered by Cortez and the conquistadors

Who were the Aztecs?


The Spanish colonists had the American Indians do these 3 harsh things:

What are: 1)work on farms and in mines

                2)work to convert American Indians into 

                  Roman Catholocism

                3)Force their Spanish rule on them
