Lesson 2.3 - Why Explore?
Lesson 2.4 - Christopher Columbus AND Howard Zinn article
Lesson 2.5 - The Slave Trade and the Columbian Exchange
What were European explorers looking for in India and the rest of Asia? a. Chocolate b. Slaves c. Spices d. Guns
c. Spices
Where was Columbus trying to go when he landed on an island in North America? a. The Bahamas b. India c. China d. Spain
b. India
Why did Europeans begin bringing African slaves to their American colonies? a. Most Native American slaves had died of diseases and Africans were immune to the diseases. b. Africans had experience in farming. c. Africans did not know their way around in North and South America and were easier to catch when they escaped. d. All of the above.
d. All of the above.
Trying to get more power for your country by taking over more land
How many years ago did the Age of Exploration begin? a. 100 years ago b. 200 years ago c. 410 years ago d. 610 years ago
d. 610 years ago
What country paid for Columbus’ trip and got control of the land he took over in North and South America? a. Portugal b. Italy c. India d. Spain
d. Spain
Which of the following things was NOT brought from the Americas to Europe/Africa as part of the Columbian Exchange? a. Chocolate b. Tobacco c. Disease d. Horses
d. Horses
An attempt to wipe out an entire race or culture
Which of the following was NOT a reason for European exploration? a. To spread Christianity b. To discover new species of animals c. To win glory and fame d. To discover gold and become rich
b. To discover new species of animals
Where did Columbus land in 1492? a. Florida b. India c. The Bahamas d. The United States
c. The Bahamas
Which group was overall better off because of the slave trade, triangle trade, and Columbian Exchange? a. Native Americans b. Black Africans c. White Europeans d. All of the above
c. White Europeans
To take over new land for one’s home country
Which of the following was NOT an invention that helped make European exploration possible? a. The sextant (also known as the astrolabe) b. The compass c. The propeller d. The caravel
c. The propeller
Which of the following is NOT an example of something Columbus and his men did to the Arawak Indians? a. Forced them to convert to Christianity b. Shipped them to Africa c. Made them slaves d. Cut off their hands if they didn’t find him gold
b. Shipped them to Africa
Which of the following was NOT a part of the triangle trade? a. Manufactured goods were sent from Europe to Africa. b. Slaves were sent from Europe to Africa. c. Rum was sent from the English colonies to Africa. d. Sugar, coffee, and tobacco were sent from the West Indies to Europe.
b. Slaves were sent from Europe to Africa.
The voyage from Africa to the Americas taken by slaves
The Middle Passage
Which European nation led the way in exploring Africa, thanks to the efforts of Prince Henry? a. Spain b. England c. Portugal d. The Netherlands
c. Portugal
11. What was the name of the Spanish priest who wrote about Columbus’ cruelty? a. Bartholomeu Dias b. Howard Zinn c. Bartolome de Las Casas d. Vasco da Gama
c. Bartolome de Las Casas
Who was the first European to sail around Africa to reach India? (THIS ANSWER IS FROM LESSON 2.3!)
Vasco da Gama
The transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas (named after Columbus)
Columbian Exchange