Signed the Magna Carta
King John
Author of An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776)
Who is Adam Smith?
Invented calculus and famously said he stood upon the "shoulders of giants"
Who is Isaac Newton?
Advocate for women's rights and and suffrage
Who is Mary Wollstonecraft?
Advocated for religious tolerance and free speech.
They are also reported to have drank 20 cups of coffee per day
Was ruler of Prussia and tried to reign as an enlightened monarch.
Fredrick the Great
Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire signed this to cool religious tensions
Peace of Augsburg 1555
Copernicus FIRST discovered this theory
What is the heliocentric theory?
Wrote a very long book with a biblical name that posited the idea of social contract and monarchy
Who is Thomas Hobbes?
Called the father of contemporary western philosophy this Frenchman wanted to create a basis for all knowledge
Who is Rene Descartes?
Wanted to revolutionize Russia in the style of Western Europe
Who is Peter the Great?
William III, also known as William of Orange, and his wife Mary signed this Document
What is the English Bill of Rights?
I published my findings on Heliocentrism which got me in trouble with the Church. It landed me in house arrest
Lead the revolution against the english tyrants. My followers were called Roundheads
What is Oliver Cromwell?
Published writing and works on what were called at the time "natural sciences"
Who is Émilie du Châtelet?
Ruler of Austria who gave serfs and religious minorities freedom
Who is Joseph II?
Ended the 30 years war
What is the Treaty of Westphalia 1648?
Called the father of empiricism, this Englishman challenged where we derive our scientific knowledge
Sir Francis Bacon
Founder of the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
Who is William Wilberforce?
Published a work in support of absolute monarchy. And also i worked for one of the King Louis'
Who is Jacques-Benigne Bossuet?
From the house of Romanov, tried to rule as an enlightened monarch
Catherine the Great
Henry IV of France signed this in 1598
What is the Edict of Nantes?
Invented inoculations after studying milk maids and cow pox
Who is Edward Jenner?