In Africa
In India
In China
In Japan
Potpourri & a Bo'le o' Wa'er

Europeans were motivated to secure colonies in Africa for these reasons (Name as many as possible).

What are natural resources, access to markets, profits, labor, power, land, rubber, ivory, diamonds, coffee, etc. 


This is the term that describes an Indian soldier hired by the British.

What is a Sepoy?


The British introduced this highly addictive drug to China, prompting Lin Zexu to send a letter to Queen Victoria asking for the trade to end. 

What is Opium?


Japan's experience with imperialism was different from India, China, and Africa because...

Japan was successful in adapting to imperialism, used modern technology, and went through the Meiji Restoration


This is the definition of Imperialism...

What is a process whereby a country politically and economically takes control over another place for its natural resources, markets, labor, and power.


This event saw Europeans race to secure territories in Africa

What is the Scramble for Africa?


This European company began the colonization efforts in India.

What is the British East India Company?


This alliance, along with superior military technology, explains China's failure during the Boxer Rebellion

What is the Eight Nations Alliance? (Bonus if you can name the countries)


This was the country that arrived on Japan's shores demanding trading relations

What is the United States?

These are the motivations for imperialism by European countries.

What are profits, natural resources, markets, labor, power, nationalism, and converting natives to Western religions. 


This poem by Rudyard Kipling demonstrated the imperialist belief that Europeans were racially superior to Africans and therefore needed to 'civilize' them

What is the White Man's Burden?


This enduring issue applies to the British policy that Sepoys load their guns using cartridges greased with pig or cow fat.

What is religious conflict?


Lin Zexu led the movement to destroy British Crates of Opium, sparking this war that ended with China's loss and an unequal treaty. 

What are the Opium Wars?


This was the government in place during Japan's period of isolationism, and was the government that signed the Treaty of Kanagawa

What is the Tokugawa Shogunate?


These are the methods used by imperialists to take over colonies. (5)

What are religion, morals, science, businesses, and technology?


This meeting hosted by Otto Von Bismarck occurred in response to competition for colonies in Africa. It has affected the political climate of Africa for over a generation.

What is the Berlin Conference?


This event saw the Sepoys (unsuccessfully) attempt to overthrow the British East India Company's control of India.

What is the Sepoy Rebellion?


This American policy was created to end Spheres of Influence and allow all countries to freely trade in China

What is Open Door Policy?


This is the period of great change when Japan westernized.

What is the Meiji Restoration?


This is the definition for humanitarian campaigns.

What are campaigns to help people using charity, philanthropy, etc. 


This European country colonized the Congo under the leadership of this king, while this European country colonized South Africa. (There are THREE Answers)

What is Belgium, King Leopold II, and Britain. 


This was the political result of the Sepoy Rebellion, resulting in a greater hold over India by the British.

What is the shift from the British East India Company to the British Raj under Empress Victoria?


This unequal treaty forced China to pay for the war costs, give Hong Kong to Britain, and open more trade ports with favored statuses. 

What is the Treaty of Nanking?


These are the territories that Japan colonized following the Meiji Restoration.

What are Taiwan, Korea, Manchuria, and even parts of China?


This prior time period and worldwide event is the main historical circumstance that led to imperialism by European countries, most especially Britain. 

What is the Industrial Revolution?
