Andrew Jackson lost the Election of 1824 to this man.
John Quincy Adams
This region suffered most from the increased tariff
This was Andrew Jackson's nickname
"Old Hickory"
Most Americans felt the natives were in the way of this.
Did Andrew Jackson like the National Bank?
This branch of government decided the Election of 1824
House of Representatives
This group benefit from the increased tariff
The North
This change was made to allow more white men to vote during this time period
No longer needed to own property
This act allowed the president to negotiate with Native American tribes for their land
Indian Removal Act
President Jackson opposed the Second Bank of the United States for this reason
States' Rights or Favored the wealthy
This was the nickname given to the Election of 1824
Corrupt Bargain
This state started the nullification crisis
South Carolina
Name one thing that made Andrew Jackson a "Man of the People"
The forced removal of the Cherokee off their lands to the Indian Territory is known as the....
Trail of Tears
Members' of Congress believe that Jackson's shuttering of the National Bank was considered "THIS of his power"
He was the mastermind of the "corrupt bargain"
Henry Clay
A tariff is a tax on what type of goods
The act of giving government jobs to political supporters is called
The Spoils System
Andrew Jackson ignored this branch of government's ruling in Worchester v. Georgia.
Supreme Court
Andrew Jackson shuttered THIS Bank of the United States
The Second National Bank
This person won the popular vote in the Election of 1824
Andrew Jackson
This constitutional issue led to the Nullification Crisis of 1832
Power to the States
Andrew Jackson's group of supporters was called this
Kitchen Cabinet
Andrew Jackson referred to the Native Americans as this
His children
Andrew Jackson let this happen to the charter for the National Bank