Age of Enlightenment
American Revolution
The French Revolution
The Latin American Revolution and more
True or false. The three kinds of revolutions were the Scientific, Political and thought (the Age of Enlightenment).
What is true.
What does the Age of Enlightenment mean?
This is a time when people were exposed to new ideas and new ways of thinking--especially about politics.
The thirteen American colonies broke away from what country?
What is Great Britain.
True or false--the French revolution was fought because the poor were being taxed and the rich were not.
What is true. King Louis the XIV believed in taxing the poor so much so that many of them starved, and not taxing the rich.
Which came first--the American Revolution or the Latin American revolution?
What is the American Revolution which inspired the French Revolution--both of which inspired the Latin American revolutions.
What does revolution mean?
What is a sudden, complete marked change. Could be a political change, a change in thought or a change because something was discovered or proven.
Name one enlightenment thinker whose ideas influenced society during this time period.
Who is John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Barron de Montesquieu or Voltaire.
Why did the American colonists break away?
They believed Britain was not protecting their rights as people, hence they believed in John Locke's ideas: all people have certain rights. The government should protect the people's rights and if the government does not protect their rights the people can overthrow the government.
During the French revolution was King Louis XVI killed?
Yes. When the peasants revolted they executed many nobles including King Louis SVI and his wife Marie Antoinette. This spree was called the reign of terror.
True or False--Simon Bolivar, Toussant L' Overture and Jose de San Martin led the Latin American revolutions.
What is true.
What is the Age of Reason?
The Age of Reason is when people used reason to guide them in their decisions (this comes form the scientific approach to learning). The scientific method is a process used to answer scientific questions and helped bring into question the common acceptance that God caused everything to happen.

John Locke touted three ideas: 1. All people have certain _ _ _ _ _ _. 2. The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ should protect people's _ _ _ _ _ _. 3. If the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ does not--people can overthrow the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

What is 1. All people have certain RIGHTS. 2. The GOVERNMENT should protect people's RIGHTS. 3. If the GOVERNMENT does not--people can overthrow the GOVERNMENT.

Was the American revolution the first time in history that a modern nation ended a monarchy and started a Republic?
What is yes. It became an example to other people in other monarchies and fueled others to challenge their governments (i.e. the French revolution)
Who took over the new French government that resulted from the French revolution?
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte.
What scientific theory proved the church could be wrong about something?
What is the Heliocentric Theory--this proved the Sun was the center of the Solar System. The church had said the Earth was the center.
The ideas expressed by Enlightenment thinkers got people to consider changing their what?
What is governments (from monarchs to republics).
True or False Jean Jacques Rousseau believed there is a social contract between the people and the government and that the government should rule.
What is false. Rousseau did believe there is a social contract between the people and the government, but he believed the majority (of what the people thought) should rule.
Whose ideas fueled the American revolution?
Who is John Locke who believed all people had rights and it was the government's responsibility to protect the people's rights and if the government didn't protect those rights the people could overthrow the government.
What former revolution inspired the french peasants to overthrow their government?
What is the American revolution.
Copernicus was one of the scientists behind the Heliocentric Theory--the theory that proved the sun was the center of the solar system. Who was the other.
Who is Galileo.
Voltaire was an author during the Age of Enlightenment who wrote plays and stories that poked fun at what?
What is nobility and absolute government.
Barron de Montesquieu, a thinker during the Age of Enlightenment believed in a separation of powers of what three branches of government?
What is the executive, judicial and legislative branches.
True or false. The American Revolution was the first successful revolution that inspired other revolutions.
What is true. The successful American revolution inspired France and Latin Americans to overthrow their governments.
Why did the French revolution occur?
For two reasons: 1. Because the French peasants were overtaxed and felt mistreated because they were taxed and the rich weren't. 2. Then, after seeing the American colonies receive their freedom from Britain the French peasants were inspired to rise up to overthrow their government.
Why was the Heliocentric Theory so important to cultures?
Because this theory raised the question that if the Church could be wrong about the Earth being the center of the solar system then what else could the Church be wrong about? (Divine Right?)