American Revolution
Causes of French Revolution
Effects of the French Revolution
Wild Cards
This is what the English Revolution is known as.
What is the Glorious Revolution
This year is considered the beginning of the American Revolution.
What is 1776.
Identify at least ONE CAUSE of the French Revolution
What is The Enlightenment, American Revolution, Unequal; taxation, land ownership, political representation on the 3rd estate
This was the most common method of execution during the “Reign of Terror”
What is the guillotine.
All of these factors contributed to the defeat of Napoleon’s army in Russia EXCEPT A. Russia’s mass defense of its borders B. Russia’s climate and weather C. The czar’s scorched-earth policy D. The czar’s destruction of Moscow
What is A. Russia's mass defense of its borders
What did the Restoration “restore” to power in England? A. Parliament B. Catholicism C. The monarchy, as an institution D. The king who had been overthrown in the Civil War
C. Monarchy
These are two of three causes of the American Revolution
What is unfair trade and tax laws, Boston Tea Party, Battle at Lexington and Concord
Robespierre led this violent part of the French Revolution. (many fell victim to the Guillotine).
What is the Reign of Terror
The Third Estate eventually formed the national assembly and created the _________________. a) Declaration of Independence b) Declaration of the Rights of man c) Bill of Rights d)General-estate
What is b) Declaration of the rights of man
Napoleon created a set of uniform set of laws called this.
What is the Napoleonic code.
After the Glorious Revolution England became this type of government.
What is a Constitutional Monarchy
The American Bill of Rights consists of these amendments?
What is the first 10
At the meeting of the Estates General, the Third Estate was locked out of the meeting to form the National Assembly. Then they took the Tennis Court Oath in which they vowed they would not adjourn until they had A. elected a republican government B. guillotined the king C. staged a coup d’etat D. written a constitution
What is D. Written a constitution
What was the main goal of the Congress of Vienna A. Punish France as harshly as possible B. Unite the German empire against America C. Have a balance of power in Europe D. Support Greek Nationalism
What is C. Have a balance of power in Europe
This social class made up the majority of the population on the Island of Haiti during its revolution.
Who are slaves
This group granted William and Mary the power to rule.
Who is Parliament.
The Americans won their independence with help from France at this battle.
What is Yorktown.
To what did the French Revolution look for its ideals? A. The American Revolution B. The Glorious Revolution C. The English Civil War D. The Thirty Years War
What is A. The American Revolution
Jacobin leader who wanted to get rid of all of France’s past, religion and began the reign of terror.
Who is Maxmilien Robespierre
Identify TWO out of the THREE leaders in the Latin American Revolutions.
Who are Toussaint L’Ouverture (Haiti), Simón Bolívar (Venezuela & Colombia), José San Martín (Argentina)
William and Mary took over after this King of England?
Who is James II.
The Constitution is based on the theories of these three men.
Who is Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau
This is the name of the social classes in France before the Revolution.
What is three Estates.
As Emperor, Napoleon made all of the following changes EXCEPT A. Strengthening the economy B. Limiting freedom of Religion C. Instituting a new legal code D. Government run public schools
What is b. Limiting freedom of religion
The Independence movement in Mexico was led, in part, by a priest named
Who is Miguel Hidalgo