This age emphasized the role of rational thought and individual rights in politics and society.
What is the Enlightenment Age?
This primary cause(s) of the American Revolution
Taxation without representation
These two revolutions largely influenced Latin American movements for independence.
What are the American and French Revolutions?
This revolution was influenced by Enlightenment ideas of challenging absolute monarchy and promoting freedom and equality.
What is the French Revolution?
This American statesman and founding father led the continental army and became the first president.
Who is George Washington?
This principle suggests that rulers should lead only if they have their citizen's support.
What is the Consent of the governed?
In the context of the French Revolution, calls for limited governmental power were a response to this claim of authority.
What is the divine right of the absolute monarchy?
Enlightenment ideas influenced this American Revolutio n document.
The Declaration of Independence
This Enlightenment concept drove the American Revolution, representing the colonists' desire for self-governance.
What is Self-determination?
the Committee of Public Safety leader during the Reign of Terror
Maximilien Robespierre
According to Enlightenment thinkers, these rights, including life, liberty, and property, belong to individuals from birth.
What are Natural rights?
The main reasons for the French Revolution
What was the lack of resources, national debt, and social unrest?
This Enlightenment philosopher argued that people have a right to overthrow a government that does not protect their natural rights.
Who is John Locke?
An area of inquiry for Enlightenment writers was understanding this interaction between the ruled and rulers.
What is the relationship between governments and the people they governed?
This French revolutionary leader was known for his role in the Reign of Terror.
Who is Maximilien Robespierre?
This idea emphasizes the importance of society operating for the advantage of all its members.
What is the common good?
This major cause of the French Revolution revolved around social inequality and monarchy power.
What is dissatisfaction among the Third Estate?
The French Revolution's slogan “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” most directly reflects this Enlightenment principle.
The importance of individual freedoms and equality
This principle opposes absolute power in favor of a system with checks and balances.
What is Limited government?
Advocated for women's rights during the American Revolution.
Who is Abigal Adams?
In the context of revolutions, this freedom pertains to liberation from oppressive rule in order to pursue your life's desires.
Freedom from arbitrary and unreasonable restraint upon an individual.
What is LIBERTY?
Enlightenment influence the American Revolution by emphasising this
What is to promote the idea of a government based on reason and the protection of individual rights
Inequality in the social structures was a cause of this
What was the French Revolution?
the historical significance of Thomas Paine's Common Sense
It persuaded many colonists to support independence.
This American Founding Father was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?