What is it called when you talk bad behind someone's back?
What does Your Mom tell you about when you turn 11?
Well my mom usually talked about getting my period, being responsible and stuff like that but I'm not 11 anymore I'm 13 so that's pretty much all I remember
What Job did Dad have before Truck Driving?
Well First a job on a boat then a Construction Worker then plumbing then he quit then he found truck driving for a job
Did Mom have her parents?
She had her dad and her mom i guess ran away or something but her dad got with another women and never really payed any attention to her or helped her at all when she needed him the most
What was Popular in the 3rd Grade and still Popular in the 5th Grade now?
Well again I'm not in 5th grade anymore but the cheese touch I guess I don't know why that was ever popular it's so stupid it just came from a book
What movie is rated PG-13,includes districts and survival?
The Hunger Games
Does your Mom let you watch mature movies?
No and still NO since I'm 13 I'm only allowed to watch PG OR PG-13 movies i mean also PG-14 movies because that's technality around my age
How much money does Dad make in a day?
I don't think any money unless they get a check at the end of the day probably like 30 or 50 dollars a day
What Country did mom live in when she was born and what country does she live in now?
First Answer:Azerbaijan
Last Answer:U.S.A
What do Teachers give to 7th Graders as homework?
Well not anything but it really depends if you don't finish the work you do in class then that's your homework the same thing goes if you don't finish your project in class because if you don't then that's also homework
what is math solved with numbers and letters called?
Algebra...ugh the worst (im in 7th grade now so i know how bad it is but when my 5th grade self made the old age trivia 2 years ago i did not know)
What do they give you in 5th Grade besides Tests and Quizzes?
State Exams.. not only in 5th grade but from 3-8 graders and its the WORST especially since THE MATH STATE EXAM IS COMING UP IN MAY AND I SUCK AT MATH..
how does baba feel when his money is stolen?
He gets angry just like anyone would if their money got stolen
What does Mom do when Me and Razan are not home?
Clean the house and when she is done, go on her phone to call with her friends or watch TV
What do adults have to do every year?
Pay Bills, Pay taxes, Pay for insurance for their kids or for themselves, get a checkup once a year from your doctor and dentist
What does your mom talk to you about when you become 13?
Periods, Womenhood, being Mature, Growing Up, Doing things on your own, and your looks and personality
Are you allowed to host clubs?
If it's school clubs then yes if it's clubs for adults THEN NO ABSOLUTELY NOT (to be honest in the old age trivia I should've been more specific with this question)
What Social Media app does Dad go on all the time?
Still Facebook and Youtube
What does Mom do most of the time?
Clean The house and call her friends
What is school like to children?
Hell and prision
What Phase is Razan going through now?
Well in 7th grade she was going through her emo phase but now she's in high school i don't think she's going through any phase but growing up, and maturing
What postion 5th graders go for last year?
Well I'm not really in 5th grade anymore but I guess Student Representive at least that's what I remember
Does Dad love Mom?
No they both hate each other in fact they won't even talk to each other right now..
What Does Mom talk about with her children?
Maturing, Periods, Making good choices, Womenhood, her problems, Razan's Problems, Elvan and Leyla, and Baba
Do Adults celebrate their Birthday?
Well only if they want to celebrate their birthday if they don't want to celebrate their birthday they don't have to