General 1
General 2

The ability to act and make choices.  



In 1989 the TAC launched their first advertising campaign, the road toll was 776 in Victoria. In 2010 this reached a low of . . .



Who coined the term ‘produsage'?

Dr Axel Bruns


Who are TWO government regulators that regulate the media in Australia? 

Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) and Australian Government Classification Board. 

NOTE: Mediawatch is government funded, but not a government regulator  


Who said... “If it doesn’t spread, it’s dead” ?

Harry Jenkins - Spreadability


The “Pictures of You” TAC campaign launched on the 20th February in what YEAR and at what TIME??

20th February 2008 at 8.27pm


“More and more, your computer monitor is a kind of one-way mirror, reflecting your own interests while algorithmic observers watch what you click.” Who said this, and what are they referring to?

Eli Pariser - The Filter Bubble


The Broadcasting Services Act (1992) requires all commercial free-to-air television licensees to broadcast what percentage of Australian programming between 6am and midnight on their primary channel?



What theory is this?
Audiences are active and can have power over the media. If people don’t watch a television program, it won’t rate and it will be taken off the air.

Uses and Gratification Theory


A community of people who are passionate about something, whether it's a film, a band, a television show, a book, or a sports team.



'Hogwarts Legacy' and the new Harry Potter TV series is a good example of . . . This phrase is used to refer to the content/people who are deemed to have acted or spoken in an unacceptable manner and are ostracized, boycotted, or shunned.

Cancel culture


List at least THREE reasons why the media needs to be regulated.

- Some people in society need to be protected from harmful material.
- The media is powerful
- Media organisations are large and profitable, as a result they have both rights and responsibilities.
- It is easier for the government to regulate and protect vulnerable audiences. Many parents cannot physically monitor all the media their children have access to.
- We want to live in a society that promotes tolerance and equality. Regulation should be in place to prevent content that promotes discrimination (racial, sexual, religious, etc.)
- In Australia, media ownership is highly concentrated and regulation can help prevent agenda setting.


Audiences are active, particularly opinion leaders, who exist throughout society in all different classes and socioeconomic groups.

Two Step Flow Theory


The television series “Brooklyn 99” was cancelled after its fifth season on the Fox Network. WHEN did this happen? and what HASHTAG did fans use to campaign for it to be brought back?

May 2018


What are Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat doing to combat misinformation around the voice referendum?  

- All paid ads for the voice referendum must carry authorisation messages like those at elections.
- Fact-check ads and remove those rated as false.


According to ACMA, Sunrise segment on Indigenous children in 2018 breached what TWO clauses in the Free TV Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice?

Clause 3.3.1 Accuracy 

Clause 2.6.2 Intense dislike, contempt, or severe ridicule on the basis of race


What theory is this?
Audiences are active in decoding media messages. They can accept or reject parts of the text based on their personal beliefs or attitudes.

Communication Theory: Encoding/Decoding


After six seasons… fans called for Brooklyn Nine-Nine to be cancelled a second time. WHY did this happen!!??

Amid growing unrest across the globe and protests against police brutality and systemic racism, which were prompted following the May 25 2020 police killing of George Floyd.


In Jan 2023, ACMA was given new powers to crack down on online misinformation. This included the ability to enact an enforceable industry code if industry self-regulation measures prove insufficient. WHAT companies does this impact?

Big tech companies / globalised media companies like Google, Apple, Meta, Twitter and TikTok etc. 

Will also extend to non-signatories of Digi’s (the above companies) voluntary code.


The online safety act was updated in 2021 to make online service providers accountable for the safety of people who use their services. List AT LEAST THREE sections of the media industry you think this updated regulation focuses on.

- social media platforms
- electronic messaging services
- search engines
- app distribution services
- internet service providers
- hosting service providers
- manufacturers and suppliers of equipment used to access online services and people who install and maintain equipment.
