This word is used to describe the "old stone age".
In 1492, this man Sailed the Ocean Blue and discovered North America.
Christopher Columbus
Name three European Countries that began exploring North and South America.
England, France, Spain, Netherlands
Someone who travels to unknown places and wants to find out things about them.
Give one reason why people criticize Christopher Columbus.
Poor Leader
Abusive to Natives
This word is used to describe the "New Stone Age".
Where was Columbus trying to go when he accidentally discovered America?
Asia (China/India)
The Mississippian civilization of native Americans was famous for building these, usually in the shape of animals, to honor the dead.
Burial Mounds
A person who buys and sells goods.
These early Native Americans were the first major civilization on the continent. They were famous for building huge heads out of large slabs of stone.
Hunt and Gather
What three things motivated Europeans to explore the world?
God, Gold, Glory
Give one example of how geography effected how Native Americans lived.
Answers vary; Housing, Diet, Building Materials etc.
The land bridge that connected Asia and North America through Alaska.
Why were African Tribes in Northwest Africa so isolated? (list two physical features that isolated Africa from the World).
Desert, Rainforest, Atlantic Ocean
The science of growing crops.
What country funded Columbus on his exploration?
The transfer of ideas, people and technology between Europe, The Americas, and Africa is commonly referred to as what?
Colombian Exchange
About how long ago did the first Native Americans cross over the land bridge into North America?
12-20,000 years ago.
List three things people developed during the new stone age.
pottery, weaving, farming, domesticating animals, etc.
The lands between Europe and Asia were too dangerous to cross and too expensive.
Native American Cultures were distinct and different, but they did share some things in common. What are two things most Native American cultures shared in common?
Trade Networks
Sacred Lands
Spirituality (Similar Religions)
Kinship (Family Values)
A small boat with triangular sails that could carry more weight and move faster in shallow water.
Why were there so many large animals in North America when the first Native People arrived there?
There had previously been no humans to hunt them.