Mind Body Exercise, Chair Yoga, Zumba Gold, Holistic Movement, Mindful Meditations, and Walking Club are all _______:
What are AgeWell exercise classes?
Addressing loss and the feeling of isolation:
What is companion Club?
Being involved in social activities helps ward off isolation and loneliness -- improving this:
What is Emotional/Mental Health?
They provide our free lunch program five days a week:
What is the Central Coast Commision for Senior Citizens?
Time is a precious gift. I can put a smile on my face and others by doing this:
What is become a volunteer?
On the First Saturday of each month AgeWell heads out on an adventure this is called:
What is Saturday Excursions?
Creating programs that match our community cultural demographics:
What is Dia De Los Abuelos, Grandparent Day.
Socializing and connecting with others helps to sharpen memory skills improving your "What" functions:
What is cognitive/brain function?
They sponsor our free senior food distribution twice a month at the Veteran's Hall:
Who is Santa Barbara Food Bank?
Wow, AgeWell has some cool weekly programs. I wish I knew how to support them:
Who is become a weekly program sponsor?
Skilled or not skilled these folks come together to belt out tunes from the 50's, 60's, and 70's:
What is Music Monday Sing Along?
If we are using the Veteran's Hall, Let's start doing programing for this population:
What is Veterans Morning Meet Up?
Increased social and physical activity may be even better than vitamins in warding off disease by strengthening "what" system:
What is immune system?
They co-host Film Club where we enjoy a movie and have a great discussion after:
Who is Carpinteria Community Library?
Saturday Excursions, that sounds fun! How can I be a part of that?
What is host a Saturday Excursion?
Fun activities focused on keeping your mind sharp:
What Are Mind Games?
Experience the joys of giving back:
What are volunteer opportunities?
California has the "What" highest life expectancy in the nation (81.9 years old). 1st, 2nd or 5th:
What is 2nd?
The program where we learn from a variety of organizations and professionals about services offered to senior citizens:
What is dessert and discussions?
See a bare room turn into a cozy lounge, or an empty courtyard become an inviting picnic spot:
What is help us with facility improvements?
Winning Grids is another name for this:
What is Bingo?
What's Up Dude:
What are more male participants?
People who participate regular in organized group activities have lower risk of these two diseases:
What is heart disease and diabetes?
PEARL - Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives a coaching program that teaches skills to manage difficult feelings and improve quality of life:
Who is Family Service Agency?
I would love to see the whole community come together for a special event to support our Ageing populations:
What is become a contributor to our annual AgeWell Fundraiser?