Where you go to find an overview of PI Planning
What is PI Planning - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
Where you go to find out how to request access to Jira iTrack and ADO
What is Requesting Access to Jira iTrack and AzureDevOps - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
Where you go to find the three people who work together as the top leadership layer of the Trains and Agile teams
What is Train Troikas - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
This page explains how defects are managed in CDEX
What is Defect Management in CDEX - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)
Where should users go to find the three primary artifacts delivered by a successful PI Planning event?
What is PI Planning Expectations and Checklist - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)
Where you'll find how to create and manage Feature Dependencies in ADO
What is Creating and Managing Feature Dependencies in ADO - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
Where you'll find how the TPM, PM and PO roles work together
What is Technical Product Managers, Product Managers, and Product Owners - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
Where you'll find a glossary of commonly used CTX Acronyms
What is Acronyms & Glossary - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)
This is where users should go to find out the date range for PI Iteration 21.4
What is PI Planning and Iteration Schedule - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
This is where you'll find a list of all ADO shared queries
What is ADO Shared Query Library - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
This is where guidance on roles and responsibilities for Agile teams can be found
What is Agile Roles Toolkit - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
This is where you go to search for a page on the CTX Portfolio Wiki
What is the "Search this space" box on the page tree?
This is the page a team should use for PI Planning to see what dates they might expect some team members to be off from work
What is PI Calendar - 2024 Holidays and Events - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
This is where you find a list of all of our available dashboards and an explanation of each
What is Dashboards - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
Where you can a list of all BSSe Agile Teams Troika members
What is BSSe Solution Train - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
On what page would you find "Golden Hours" to ensure alignment with our India and Israel teams for PI Planning
What is PI Planning Expectations and Checklist - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)
Where you'll find a PI Planning Checklist/Job Aid and a Team Capacity Planning template
What is PI Planning Expectations and Checklist - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
This page provides step-by-step instructions to create users stories for Agile Teams
What is Creating Stories and Tasks - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
Where you'll find the high-level "Day in the life" details for a Release Train Engineer (RTE)
What is Release Train Engineer - CTX Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?
This is where teams would find info to prepare for the Hackathon
What is Innovation Jams- Consumer Technology eXperience Portfolio - tWiki (att.com)?