Use the word SUCCESS and its variants in the statements below:
1. She is a ____________ entrepreneur.
2. They worked hard to _____________ in achieving their goals.
3. He completed the project ____________.
4. The ___________ of almost any project depends largely on its manager.
1. Successful
2. Succeed
3. Successfully
4. Success
What does it imply when someone encourages you to "speak your mind" during a team brainstorming session?
They are inviting you to freely express your thoughts, opinions, and ideas without hesitation or reservation. This encourages open communication and allows everyone to contribute openly to the discussion.
What happens with these sentences?
1. Every people deserve equal opportunities.
2. Everyone arrive on time.
1. Explanation: "People" is already plural, so "every people" is incorrect. Instead, use "every person" to refer to each individual.
2. Explanation: The verb "arrive" needs to agree with the subject "everyone," which is singular. Therefore, it should be in the singular form "arrives."
What's the right pronunciation?
1. OFF
2. OF
OFF /of/
OF /ov/
What's it like to work as a professional in your position?
Speak for two minutes about: Work Environment - Career Growth Opportunities - Challenges and Rewards - Team Collaboration - Work-Life Balance
Which reporting verb should you use to explain the speaker's message?
Attention drivers: There is heavy traffic reported. Please expect delays and consider alternative routes if possible. Drive safely and allow extra time for your journey.
A suitable reporting verb to explain this message could be "WARN"
Giving advice --> Provide an expression that implies that you are putting yourself in the other person's shoes and sharing what you would do if faced with the same circumstances.
If I were you, I would ... (talk to your manager directly about the issue.)
Another -> I can imagine myself in your position, and if I were in your shoes, I might...
What differences in meaning do these ideas convey?
1. I'm used to working at night.
2. I used to work at night.
1. This sentence indicates that the speaker has become accustomed to or comfortable with working at night.
2. This sentence indicates that in the past, the speaker regularly worked at night, but they no longer do so.
What's the right pronunciation?
1. Woman - man
1. Women - men
Woman / - man /man/
Women /wi.min/ - men /men/
Can you describe a significant life decision you've made that had a major impact on your career or personal development?
2 minute-talk.
What's the difference between...
2. WORK IN ?
Work for: This phrase indicates the relationship between an employee and their employer.
Ex: He works for a nonprofit organization.
Work in: This phrase refers to the specific field.
Ex: She works in the marketing department.
Translate the expression "SI O SI" in English.
Use it in a statement.
“whether we like it or not"
“no matter what.”
The new policy will be implemented next month, whether we like it or not.
I will support you, no matter what, through thick and thin.
Explain the differences:
A. "I will start studying for the exam tomorrow."
B. "I am going to start studying for the exam tomorrow."
A. This sentence indicates a decision made at the moment of speaking, expressing a future action.
B. This sentence also indicates a future action but it implies that the speaker has made the decision in advance, planned.
What do the pronunciation of these words have in common?
1. Colleagues
2. Market
3. Windows
Colleagues /KO.ligs/
Market /MAR.ket/
Windows /WIN.dous/
They're all stressed on the first syllable.
Would you consider pursuing career opportunities in an international setting, given the chance?"
Scenario: During a job interview for a multinational corporation, the interviewer asks you about your openness to relocating for work, considering the global nature of the company's operations.
Speak for a minute.
Very insightful ideas!
What's a typo?
A typo, short for "typographical error," is a mistake made while typing or writing something, typically resulting in incorrect or misspelled words, incorrect punctuation.
Replace the expression underlined by an idiomatic expression with a similar meaning.
"The umbrella I packed in my bag _ended up being quite useful_ when it started raining unexpectedly."
came in handy
What's the function of "do" in front of the verb?
Statement: "I do enjoy a good cup of coffee in the morning."
Here, "do" is placed before "enjoy" to emphasize or reinforce the speaker's enjoyment of coffee. It adds emphasis to the statement.
Another example:
"She can speak four languages fluently."
In this sentence, "can" is placed before "speak" to emphasize or reinforce the ability.
What type of connected speech can be observed in the sentence "_Take an umbrella_ _if it's_ raining"?
Consonant + vowel
/teiK an ambrela if its reining/
How do you handle constructive criticism and feedback? (especially when it's unexpected or differs from your perspective)
Speak for 1 minute.
Great work!
Useful expressions:
I appreciate constructive criticism because...
I view feedback as an opportunity to learn and develop, so...
Translate to English.
I explained the instructions clearly, y me hice entender by everyone in the group.
I explained the instructions clearly, and I made myself understood by everyone in the group.
Paraphrase the statement below so as to have the same meaning.
1. It is a course that lasts 4 months.
__________________________ course.
"It's a four-month-long course"
There are two words which are not properly used in this exchange. Spot and change them.
A: "I think we may have pizza for dinner tonight! Shall we?"
B: "That's fair, but I was thinking we would try something different, like tacos."
A. should (suggestion)
B. could (possibility)
What's the right pronunciation for the ending -cally?
1. Practically
2. Technically
3. Magically
It's /kli/
"In your opinion, what additional skills or knowledge wouldn't go amiss for someone aspiring to excel in this role?"
"wouldn't go amiss" --> It indicates that having extra ... would be a positive addition, contributing to improvement.
Spanish: "En tu opinión, ¿qué habilidades o conocimientos adicionales no estarían de más para alguien que aspire a destacarse en este puesto?"
For example: