Vitamins and Minerals
Alzheimer's Dementia
Quotes to age well with
BEERs Criteria Meds
Alone, this sunshine vitamin is unlikley to prevent fractures but older people confined to institutions may sustain fewer hip fractures if given this vitamin along with calcium.
What is Vitamin D?
This executive function of the brain is impaired by Alzhiemer's dementia i.e. older adults putting off seeing their doctor when they have an infection.
What is judgement?
This American automotive tycoon said..."Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 8 or 80".
Who is Henry Ford?
Dementia is a primarily a problem with memory but delirium is a primarily a problem with this.
What is attention?
This outdated type of antidepressant known as elavil is notorious for its anticholinergic effect which produces impaired motor function such as ataxia, thus increasing fall risk in older adults.
What is tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)?
Older folks are susceptible to weakness and confusion when there is too little of this mineral (electrolyte) in the blood serum.
What is Sodium?
In Alzheimer's dementia this affects day to day abilities and older adults forget things more often, especially recalling information that has been recently learned.
What is short term memory?
Which 19th century poet said, "Grow old me with me, the best is yet to come".
Who is Robert Browning?
When delirium may be a result of infection think of Pneumonia, Urine, Skin.
What is PUS?
This long acting benzodiazepine, coined "mother's little helper" by the rock band "Rolling Stones" predisposes our older adults to polyuria and urinary incontinence.
What is Valium (Diazepam)?
When this vitamin is deficient neurologic signs can include parasthesias, ataxia, motor weakness and dementia.
What is Vitamin B12?
Families with older adults who have Alzheimer's Dementia (diagnosed or undiagnosed) have indicated that their loved ones often exhibit variation with this, swinging from calm to tears to anger without provocation or reason.
What is mood?
This Hollywood startlet said, "old age ain't no place for sissies".
Who is Bette Davis?
Tethers such as these can compound or cause delirium.
What are restraints/catheters/IVs.
This category of drugs such as Norflex increases fall risk in older adults because it causes over-sedation.
What is muscle relaxants?
Many seniors use this antioxidant vitamin but there is no evidence to suggest that it will prevent or treat dementia or mild cognitive impairment.
What is Vitamin E?
Forgetting simple words or substituting inappropriate words is common with older adults who have Alzheimer's Dementia, making it hard them to be understood.
What is language problems?
This Hollywood crooner sang this quote,... "And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain, I'll state my case of which I'm certain. I've lived a life thats full, I've traveled each and ev'ry highway, And more, much more than this, I did it my way"
Who is Frank Sinatra.
These simple strategies such as ensuring glasses and hearing aids are worn and providing fluid will prevent and/or alleviate delirium.
What are nursing interventions?
This category of drugs known as Seconal, Luminal, Nembutal, and Tuinal have potent CNS altering effects in our older adults that produce over-sedation which predisposes them to potential falls.
What is barbitruates?
The carbonate form of this mineral causes GI upset and the citrate form of this mineral is much easier on the gut but more costly for seniors to purchase.
What is Calcium?
This type of dementia is often seen in a younger population and personality changes are prevalent with an inability to organize sequence and plan.
What is frontal lobe dementia?
This 19th century author said, "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter".
Who is Mark Twain?
This validated tool was developed because research showed that delirium is often unrecognized by health care professionals.
What is the CAM?
This calcium channel blocker used to treat hypertension and arrhythmias is notorious for "blocking" more than just the calcium channel as it can cause constipation in our older adults.
What is Verapramil?