Physiological & Psychosocial Changes
Nursing Care
Health Promotion
Cognitive Changes
Additional Info

Decreased muscle mass, decalcification of bones, degenerative joint changes, dehydration of intervertebral disks, fat tissue increase

What are the normal physiological changes of the musculoskeletal system with aging? (pg. 177)


The concurrent use of many medications

What is Polypharmacy? (pg. 187)


Reminiscence Therapy

What is recalling the past? What is the recollection of the past to bring meaning and understanding to the present and resolve current conflicts? (pg. 189)


This cognitive change has a slow progression and a duration of months to years.

What is dementia? (pg. 180)


Bathing, dressing, & toileting

What are activities of daily living (ADL)? (pg. 179)


3 common changes to the respiratory system that occur with aging

What are decreased cough reflex; decreased cilia; increased anterior-posterior chest diameter; increased chest wall rigidity; fewer alveoli; increased airway resistance; increased risk of respiratory infections? (pg. 177)


The capacity and safe performance of ADLs and instrumental ADLs. Also a sensitive indicator of health and illness in the older adult.

What is the functional status of an older adult? (pg. 179)


Increase the proportion of the health care workforce with geriatric certification

What is a Healthy People 2020 goal for Older Adults? (pg. 183)


The most common, yet most undetected and untreated, impairment in older adulthood.

What is depression? (pg. 181)


The ability to write a check, shop, prepare a meal, make a phone call.

What are instrumental activities of daily living? (pg. 179).


Changes to the endocrine system in the older adult

What are alterations in hormone production with decreased ability to respond to stress; thyroid – diminished secretions, pancreas – decreased secretion of enzymes and hormones, decreased sensitivity to insulin? (pg. 177)


What are 3 interventions a nurse can implement to ensure the older adult is taking his/her medication safely and appropriately.

What is teaching the older adult the side effects or interactions of medications; teaching the older adult how to use a pill box; teaching the older adult how to establish an administration pattern; simplifying & individualizing medication regimen; teaching caregivers about medications. (pg. 188)


The leading cause of death in older adults

What is heart disease? (pg. 184)


Loss of a loved one or admission to a nursing home can cause this

What is depression? (pg. 181)


Insults, threats, humiliation, intimidation, harassment, social isolation

What is a type of elder mistreatment, specifically psychosocial/emotional abuse? (pg. 188)


According to Erikson the older adult is in what stage of psychosocial development

What is integrity vs. despair? (ATI Fundamentals of Nursing, Ch. 25)


Name 4 interventions a nurse do to help prevent an older adult from falling

What is eliminate clutter from walkways and hallways, remove extension and phone cords from walkways and hallways, instruct client on proper use of ambulation devices, ensure adequate lighting, & remind clients to wear glasses and hear aids. (ATI Fundamentals of Nursing, Ch. 25)


Reduce the proportion of older adults who have moderate-to-severe functional limitations

What is a Healthy People 2020 goal for Older adults? (pg. 183)


Sometimes caused by environmental factors such as sensory deprivation or overstimulation, unfamiliar surroundings, or sleep deprivation or psychosocial factors

What is delirium? (pg. 179)


In the acute care setting the older adult is at an increased risk for?

What is delirium, dehydration, malnutrition, health care-associated infections, skin breakdown, pressure ulcers, urinary incontinence, and falls? (pg. 190)


Environmental hazards, inappropriate footwear, unfamiliar environment, and improper use of assistive devices

What are extrinsic risk factors for falls in older adults? (pg. 186)


What are 4 psychosocial interventions a nurse can do to help improve an older adult’s self-concept

What is therapeutic communication, touch, reality orientation, validation therapy, reminiscence therapy, attending to physical appearance, & assistive devices? (ATI Fundamentals of Nursing, Ch. 25)


List 4 factors that can influence an older adult’s nutritional status

What is difficulty getting to and from grocery store, low income, impaired mobility, depression & dementia, social isolation, medication side effects, prescribed diets that are unappealing, incontinence, constipation, and gastrointestinal alterations (ATI Fundamentals of Nursing, Ch. 25)


What symptom is an expected cognitive change in the older adult?

What is a slower reaction time or a decline in speed of the cognitive function? (ATI Fundamentals of Nursing, Ch. 25)


Hitting, beating, pushing, slapping, kicking, physical restraint, inappropriate use of drugs, fractures, lacerations, rope burns, untreated injuries

What is a type of elder mistreatment, specifically physical abuse? (pg. 188)
