Я обожаю
I adore
I'd rather...
Я бы лучше...
My sister isn't keen ... video games.
My sister isn't keen on video games.
...a positive/negative effect
have a positiive/negative effect
Agreed./That's agreed then.
I quite fancy...
Мне очень нравится...
I'm not interested ... sport.
I'm not interested in sport.
... an opinion
express an opinion
Хорошая идея!
That's a great idea!
I'm keen on...
Я увлекаюсь...
I'm not a big fan ... horror films.
I'm not a big fan of horror films.
... a research
do a research
Mне очень нравится
I quite fancy.
Shall we settle on...
He's mad ... vampire films.
He's mad about vampire films.
.... in online games
take part in online games
Я не любитель...
I'm not keen on...
I'm not a big fan of...
Я не большой фанат...
I can't stand ... loud music.
I can't stand loud music.
... a computer/smartphone
use a computer/smartphone