What part of the plant is responsible for taking in nutrients from the ground?
The roots.
What is the biggest difference between plant and animal cells?
A plant cell has a cell wall.
What is the largest particle in soil?
What is the process called by which plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen?
What is it called when plants propagate sexually?
Process called pollination.
What part of the plant transports nutrients to other parts of the plant?
The stem.
What is another difference between plant and animal cells?
Plant cells have a much larger vacuole.
What particle in soil makes the soil sticky when wet?
The process by which a plant gives up water vapor in the atmosphere
What is it called when plant cuttings are used?
Asexual propagation.
How can flowers be pollinated?
By the wind, birds, and insects.
What is the organelle that aids in photosynthesis?
The chloroplast.
What soil particle is best at holding water?
Three elements used in large amounts for a plant to be healthy.
Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
What is the most common way of asexual plant propagation?
Stem cuttings.
What are the 2 types of roots on a plant?
What is taproot and fibrous root.
What makes the plant cell green?
The chlorophyll.
How do we determine what loam the soil is?
Soil Texture Triangle.
Name two foods that we eat that have the most common type of root, the taproot.
Carrots, Radishes, Turnips, Sugar beets, Beets
Where do you cut the plant for asexual propagation?
1 inch above and 1 inch below the node.
What is contained in the male reproductive system on a flower?
The stamen, anther, and filament.
What does ER stand for?
Endoplasmic reticulum.
What kind of loam is found in local area fields?
Silty loam.
The study of how the organs in a plant help it to live, grow, and reproduce.
Plant physiology
What aids in sexual plant propagation?
Birds, insects, and the wind.