Food Labeling
Food Safety
Agricultural Technology
Livestock Regulation
Property Law

A list of synthetic chemicals that are allowed in organic production and which are subject to review every five years.

What is the National List in the National Organic Program?


This was the per se adulterant in raw non-intact ground beef from the Jack in the Box outbreak of 1993.

What is E. Coli? 


The agencies involved in administration of the Coordinated Framework?

What is the FDCA?


The first state to use the ballot initiative process to enact a farm animal welfare law involving confinement

What is Florida?


This involves a government taking of private property for a public use upon payment of just compensation

What is Eminent domain?


A doctrine derived from the Constitution stating that federal laws will take precedence over any state laws seeking to regulate the same conduct.

What is the legal doctrine of preemption?


This requires food overseen by the USDA to be tested at an accredited laboratory.

What is FSMA?


This is the is the primary mandate under the USDA-APHIS' key statute

What is the PPA?


A law that says livestock animals transported for 28 hours or more must be given an opportunity to water, eat, and rest, subject to some exceptions

What is the 28-hour law?


According to the 2012 US Census of Agriculture, this is the average age of a principal operator.

What is 68?


An order that a party can obtain in the beginning of a lawsuit that prohibits a party to the lawsuit from doing something in order to preserve the status quo.

What is a preliminary injunction?


This federal agency prohibits the interstate sale of raw milk products

What is the FDA?


Plants that have had genes inserted causing the plants to produce a pesticide inside its own tissues

What is a Plant-Incorporated Protectant (PIP)?


One company owns or has control over nearly every step of the production process

What is vertical integration?


A statute that offered people tracts of land in exchange for an agreement to settle and farm the tract.

What is the Homestead Act?


The federal agency that regulates meat, poultry, processed eggs, while the FDA regulates dairy, produce, shell eggs, and seafood

What is the USDA?


USDA FSIS Inspectors have outdated this test when inspecting meat products intended for retail sale in the United States

What is the "sight, touch, and smell" test?


Crops contain new genes that allow the crop to withstand herbicides

 What are Herbicide-Tolerant (HT) crops?


Although most state anti-cruelty statutes exclude or exempt farm animals from their protections, states often prosecute livestock owners for acts of this.

What is gross negligence?


The unreasonable, unwarranted and/or unlawful use of property, which causes inconvenience or damage to others.

What is a nuisance?


These grading standards are mandatory on USDA regulated food products.

What are AMS Grading standards?


FSMA's Produce Safety Rule does not apply to farms that have an average annual value of produce sold during the previous three-year period of this dollar amount or less.

What is $25,000?

The term that refers to human food animals that have been genetically engineered

What are New Animal Drugs?


The number of U.S. states that currently have ag gag laws in place

What is 8?


If a certified organic producer's crop is subject to GMO drift contamination, he or she might lose this.

What is organic certification?
