What type of activity is agriculture?
Agriculture is a primary activity
What are the two types of farming
Subsistence farming and commercial farming.
What type of climate and soil does coffee require?
Coffee requires warm and wet climate and well drained loamy soil.
What is food security?
Food security exists when all people, at all time, have access to sufficient safe and nutritious food to meet there dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
How many types of farming is there?
There are two types of farming.
In ________ farming, crops are grown and animals are reared for sale in market.
Commercial farming
Which crops are the major plantations of the following countries?
1- Brazil 2-Sri Lanka 3-Malaysia
1- Coffee 2- Tea 3- Rubber
Describe about coffee and where it is found.
Coffee requires a warm and wet climate and well- drained loamy soil. Hill slopes are more suitable for the growth of this crop. Brazil is the leading producer followed by Columbia and India.
What are the three types of economic activities
primary,secondary and tertiary activities
Which countries produce the best quality tea in the world? (Name any Three)
Kenya,India,China,Sri Lanka produce the best quality tea in the world.
What is arable land?
The land on which crops are grown is called arable land.
Explain the "Farm System".
Agriculture or farming can be looked at as a system. The important inputs are seeds, machinery, fertilizers, and labor. Some operations involved are plowing, sowing, irrigation, weeding, and harvesting. The outputs from the system include crops, wool, dairy, and poultry products.
How much percent of people in the world are engaged in agriculture?
50 percent.
________ of India's population is still dependent on agriculture.
How can agricultural development be achieved?
This can be achieved in many ways such as increasing the cropped area, the number of crops grown, improving irrigation facilities and etc.........
Describe shifting culture.
Shifting cultivation, also known as ' slash and burn' agriculture, is practiced in densely forested areas of the Amazon basin, tropical Africa, southeast Asia, and Northeast India, where heavy rainfall and vegetation regeneration occur. The land is cleared by burning trees, and mixed with soil, and crops like maize, yam, potatoes, and cassava are grown.
What is used in place of chemicals in organic farming?
Organic manure and natural pesticides are use instead of chemicals
What does agriculture in latin mean in english ?
Agri meaning soil and culture meaning cultivation
Define agricultural development ?
Agricultural development refers to efforts made to increase farm production in order to meet growing demand of increasing population.
Explain subsistence farming and the types of subsistence farming.
This type of farming is practised to meet the needs of the farmer's family. Traditionally, low levels of technology and household labour are used to produce on small output. Subsistence farming can be further classified as intensive subsistence and primitive subsistence farming,
Intensive subsistence agriculture involves farmers cultivating small plots of land using simple tools and labor, with rice being the main crop. This type of farming is prevalent in densely populated monsoon regions of south, southeast, and east Asia.
Primitive subsistence agriculture includes shifting cultivation and nomadic herding.