Who am I?
This or that
Agriculture is #1
Lincoln's Legislation
Tale of Times

North Dakota's first farmers, the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara raised their crops on the bottomland of the Missouri and Knife Rivers.

The women were the farmers. Corn, beans, sunflowers and squash were our main crops.

The Dakota, Lakota and Nakota people of the Sioux nation were nomadic and hunted, gathered or traded for food.

We were in the North Dakota area many years before it was called the Dakota Territory.

What group of people am I referring to?

Native Americans


Goats are considered specialty livestock in North Dakota. What is a male goat called?

A Billy or a Boar

Billy goat

Fun fact: other specialty livestock are rabbits, llamas, emus, bison and elk.


ND is #1 producer of many different commodities; can you name 3 of them?

Dry edible beans

Pinto beans






Sunflower (both types)

Wheat, Durum wheat & spring wheat


What piece of legislation was organized in 1861 and then divided in 1889 to become the two states of North Dakota and South Dakota?

Dakota Territory


When the pioneers wanted to make butter, they placed cream into this piece of equipment and turned the hand crank rapidly. What piece of equipment am I referring to?


Fun fact: This job was often done by children who were strong enough to crank the handle fast enough


The Louisiana Purchase, a historic event in 1803, played a significant role in initiating the expedition.

In 1804 we were sent on an expedition out west by President Thomas Jefferson.

We started in St. Louis, Missouri, andwe were the first to cross the western U.S.

We reached the Pacific Ocean in Oregon.

At Fort Mandan, we met Sacagawea who became our interpreter and guide assisting us on our expedition.

Our expedition is called the “Corps of Discovery”.

Lewis & Clark


Corn, sunflowers, beans and squash were the main crops for Native Americans. Which crop was the major crop that occupied the most space in each field and was planted in early May?



What was Dakota Territory's first successful crop? Some even refer to it as king.


Fun fact: North Dakota's economy depended on wheat, so the crop was called King Wheat


Which FEDERAL agency provides information and education, leads food safety efforts, markets ag products, provides nutrition programs and much more?

United States Department of Agriculture or the North Dakota Department of Agriculture?

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)


What piece of equipment had a heavy, curved blade, turned over the sod and was pulled by a team of horses or an ox?


Fun fact: The farmer would walk up to 20 miles a day to keep the plow blade at the same depth and plow in a straight line.


I was originally from New York.

I'm known as one of the nation's greatest conservationists, creating the National Forest Service, five national parks, 51 federal bird reservations and 18 national monuments.

I was the first President to win a Noble Peace Prize.'

Elected President at age 42, I was the youngest President.

I owned two cattle ranches in Western North Dakota and am quoted as saying, "I have always said I would not have been President had it not been for my experience in North Dakota."

Theodore Roosevelt


North Dakota has many nicknames including Breadbasket of the World. What are some other nicknames for North Dakota?

Peace Garden State

Flickertail State

Roughrider State



ND is #1 in honey production. What is the term for the sweet liquid produced by flowers that the bees store in a special pouch and they move from flower to flower?


Fun fact: Bees travel to 50 -100 flowers before returning to the hive with the nectar they collected.


Which legislation provided 160 acres of free land to settlers if they would build a home, raise a crop and live there for at least five years?

Dakota Territory or Homestead Act?

Homestead Act

Fun fact: Five years after the Homestead Act was signed, the first claim was made for land in what is now North Dakota.


North Dakota suffered from an extreme drought, depression and the economy was poor but also brought electricity to much of rural North Dakota. During the 1940's - 1950's farming methods were improved and machinery was modernized. 

Which harvest machine that separates the kernels of grain from the stalks and replaced the threshing machine?



My farm is located 20 miles west of Fargo. 

I owned and managed the first BONANZA farm consisting of 11,000 acres. At the time it was the largest cultivated farm in the world.

My great grandson, Jack, served as North Dakota's governor from 2010 - 2016. 

What is my last name?

Dalrymple, Oliver


The word Dakota means what in the Dakota Language, friend or enemy?



Who were the first people to carry out farming as a business in North Dakota?

Mandan Indians


Which popular railway was given the nation's largest land grant (free land from the government) to lay the first train tracks across the Dakota Territory? 

Northern Pacific Railway or BNSF Railway?

Northern Pacific Railway

Fun fact: the NP Railway encouraged many people to move into the struggling little tent town, Fargo, ND. 


These powerful red tractors first built in 1957 in a barn by brothers are still built today in Fargo, ND and owned by Case IH. What brand of tractor is it?

Hint: The tractor starts with an "S".


Fun Fact: With today's advances in ag technology each farmer feeds 155 people


In 1856, I delivered my now famous "house delivered" speech.

During my presidency in 1861, the Civil War started.

In 1862, I established the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Which is still being used today.

During the Civil War, I signed many acts including the Hoomestead Act, Pacific Railway Act, and Morrill Land-Grant Act.

On January1, 1863, I issued the Emancipation Proclamation and delivered the Gettysburg Address that November. 

I can be found on the $5 bill and Mount Rushmore.

I was elected the 16th president of the United States of America and the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, was dedicated to me in 1922.

Abraham Lincoln


When people were deciding what to call the states created from Dakota Territory, did they originally want it to be named after President Roosevelt or President Lincoln?


Which means we could have been living in the state of Lincoln instead of North Dakota.


The eastern part of the state is suited for farming, whereas the western part of the state is ideal for ranching. What is the term that means source of great wealth or big fortune?

Hint: B________ farms and cattle B_______ are the 2 factors that helped make agriculture #1 in North Dakota


Fun fact: James Buchanan was the first sitting President to visit Dakota Territory because he wanted to see the operation of a bonanza farm.


Which Land Grant Act provided public lands for colleges specializing in agriculture and the mechanical arts so rural people could have an opportunity for higher education?

Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act or United States Department of Agriculture

Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act


This machine was invented in North Dakota in 1958 by brothers. Today these machines are made in Gwinner, ND and are used all around the world.

Hint: These are extremely common on most farms today and even many who don't have farms own one of these.

Bobcat skid-steer loaders

Fun fact: Skid-steer loaders were created because a farmer complained about the difficulty of cleaning out his turkey barns
