plant biology
agriculture pratice
climate changes
plant are an essential composent of all ecosystems and serve as the basis for all animimal and human nutrition
what is plant biology
No perfect measure of crop losses exists, but USDA's Risk Management Agency does have data on the sources of losses for claims filed under Federal crop insurance. Since 1988, about 40 percent of crop insurance indemnities have been due to drought; about 30 percent to excessive moisture, rain, or floods; about 10 percent to frost, freeze, and cold weather; and about 10 percent to hail. Note that uninsured crops might have somewhat different causes of loss. Also, causes of yield loss will vary by year, by crop, and by region.
What are the major causes of crop losses in the United States?
While most climate change generally happens slowly over time, there is evidence that episodes of rapid cooling have occurred in the past, with temperatures falling dramatically over periods of 10 to 20 years. Scientists have found evidence that this has happened at least twice within the past 12,700 years.
What is abrupt climate change
The Chihuahua is a breed of dog believed to originate from what country?
The cerebrum
. What is the name of the biggest part of the human brain
Those seeking to work in plant biology can choose from carees like a food science technician plant biochemist,or agricultural manager.They can work in many fields including farming,industry,or tealhing positions
how plant biology works
Several different definitions of family farming exist, some created for national policy or statistical purposes. The criteria used in SOFA 2014 include farm management by a household or an individual and the use mainly of family labour, but not limitations in farm size.
what is familly farming
While some scientists continue to believe that global warming could be due to changes in sun spots, natural cycles of warming and cooling, or other factors, most scientists who study this issue now agree that it’s extremely unlikely that these changes in temperature are wholly natural in origin. Instead, they believe the warming we are experiencing today is due to rising concentrations of heat-trapping gases that form a “blanket” around Earth. These gases are put into the atmosphere primarily by human activities—particularly the burning of fossil fuels
. What role do natural forces play in the current global warming trend?
African Elephant
What animal has the largest ears?
The skin
What is the human body’s biggest organ
Flowers attract pollinators, which is a huge development for angiosperms. Plants that are wind-pollinated have to make a lot of pollen so that eventually some pollen grains will end up on different individuals of the same species. Animal-pollinated plants can make less pollen because they have a personal courier delivering pollen to other plants of the same species. The bright colors of flower petals advertise to bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators that the plant is offering a nice sugary snack, and animals often end up doing the pollination inadvertently because they have to brush against the anthers on their way to the nectary
Why are flowers so important for angiosperm reproduction?
They occupy large tracts of the world's farmland and contribute an even larger share of food production. In a sample of 30 countries around 75 percent of the land is managed by households or individuals, and family farms are likely to produce more than 80 percent of food.
Why are family farms important?
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions stands in the foreground. The largest potentials lie in transport, in heating and hot water consumption as well as in food production. The use of public transportation or more energy-efficient vehicles, the use of renewable energy in the household and a diet of mostly seasonal and plant-based products would already accomplish a lot. Because global warming can at best be limited to 2°C, adaptation to the impacts of climate change is becoming increasingly important. While adaptation measures are required in the private sector, they are especially required in the public domain.
What can we do
What is the national animal of Scotland?
A double helix
The shape of DNA is known as
a slip of paper, cloth, or other material, marked or inscribed, for attachment to something to indicate its manufacturer, nature, ownership, destination, etc.
what is labelled
Globally, farms of more than 50 hectares operate two-thirds of the world's farm land while farms up to 2 hectares only cover about 12 percent and those up to 5 hectares around 20 percent. However, this reflects the situation in high-income and upper-middle-income countries (especially in Latin America). In low-and middle-income countries small and medium-sized farms are much more important. In low-income countries, farms up to 2 hectares occupy about 40 percent of the farm land and those up to 5 hectares about 70 percent, underscoring their fundamental contribution to food security.
How important are small farms?
Agriculture of all types produces greenhouse gases that warm the planet, but meat production is especially harmful – and beef is the most environmentally damaging form of meat. Some methods of cattle production demand a lot of land, contributing to destruction of forests; the trees are typically burned, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Other methods require huge amounts of water and fertilizer to grow food for the cows. The cows themselves produce emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that causes short-term warming. Meat consumption is rising worldwide as the population grows, and as economic development makes people richer and better able to afford meat. This is worrisome: Studies have found that if the whole world were to start eating beef at the rate Americans eat it, produced by the methods typically used in the United States, that alone might erase any chance of staying below an internationally agreed-upon limit on global warming. Pork production creates somewhat lower emissions than beef production, and chicken is lower still. So reducing your meat consumption, or switching from beef and pork to chicken in your diet, are both moves in the right direction. Of course, as with any kind of behavioral change meant to benefit the climate, this will only make a difference if lots of other people do it, too, reducing the overall demand for meat products.
Will reducing meat in my diet help the climate?
A pride
What is a group of lions called?
How many lungs does the human body have?
Ethylene gas is a major plant hormone that influences diverse processes in plant growth, development and stress responses throughout the plant life cycle. Responses to ethylene, such as fruit ripening, are significant to agriculture. The core molecular elements of the ethylene-signaling pathway have been uncovered, revealing a unique pathway that is negatively regulated. Practical applications of this knowledge can lead to substantial improvements in agriculture.
How do plants respond to ethylene and what is its importance?
In a large sample of countries, 72 percent of holdings are smaller than 1 hectare and 84 percent are below 2 hectares. Including farms up to 5 hectares, the share increases to 94 percent. Small and medium-sized farms are important in all countries regardless of income level.
how large are farms across the world
Direct measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere and in air trapped in ice show that atmospheric CO2 increased by about 40% from 1800 to 2012. Measurements of different forms of carbon reveal that this increase is because of human activities.
How do scientists know that recent climate change is largely caused by human activities
Poult or chick
What is a baby turkey called?
The two holes in your nose are called?