This AguaClara advisor's hobby is arts & crafts and theatre.
Dr. Ruth Richardson
Kaitlyn's favorite fruit
The full name for the POST subteam
(Bonus points for listing some features of POST!)
Post Operation Smartphone Tracker
The reason why AguaClara treats surface water but NOT groundwater
AguaClara plants are designed to be electricity-free, but to treat groundwater, pumps would be required.
The percentage of water on Earth is usable for humanity’s needs (agricultural, residential, manufacturing, community, personal needs)
This faculty advisor has experience working in El Salvadoran refugee camps
Dr. Monroe Weber-Shirk (This shaped his interests in designing sustainable water treatment technologies in underserved communities–inspiring the AguaClara program.)
In another universe, this person would be a nail tech.
The subteam that has been in AguaClara the longest
The number of people AguaClara treatment plants serve
The largest source of global freshwater usages
This faculty advisor serves on the Issues Committee of the Cayuga Lake Watershed Network and was a two term past Board of Directors member.
Dr. Ruth Richardson (was also appointed to the EPA Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Environmental Engineering Committee in 2016.)
This person's death row meal would be raising canes (with the whole cup of sauce)
The purpose of the Floc Modeling subteam
To understand the density of the flocs in the clarifier
Cornell, New Jersey Institute of Technology, and Ohio State University
The percentage of US water systems are considered small systems (serves less than 10,000 people)
This advisor has an undergraduate degree in Physics.
Dr. Monroe Weber-Shirk
This person is afraid of lightning
RaFTT's full name
Rapid Fabrication Temporary Team (RaFTT's first assignment to create a secondary confinement structure for PF250. After this, they will work on random fabrication items needed on different subteams.)
The country or countries in Central America that AguaClara currently operates in
Honduras and Nicaragua
The average total home water usage for each person in the U.S.
50 gallons/day
This faculty advisor co-founded a company. (Not AguaClara Reach)
James Hwang (co-founded QED, Quantum Epitaxial Designs, which later merged and became IQE).
The worst thing this person has done in their life is sleep with wolf spiders jumping on/over them for a night.
The purpose of our ACDC subteam
To create a fully automated coagulant dosing system to eliminate the need for an operator
What country or countries in Asia does AguaClara currently operate in? (Note: The question is not asking what countries in Asia AguaClara has water treatment plants in)
India and Indonesia
The water related disease that killed 29 Cornell students in 1903
Typhoid (Fun Fact! - This is the reason why the Cornell Water Filtration Plant was built)