Context Clues

Why does Senorita Antonia decide to include fifth graders in the trip to the nursing home? 

A. The other class did not behave.
B. They were mature enough to go this year.
C. The nursing home needed a lot of help.

B. They were mature enough to go this year.


Luke was COMPENSATED for the yard work he did over the summer. He spent the money he had earned on a new bike.

Compensated means:
A. thanked
B. complimented
C. paid

C. paid


It was silent reading time. Aiden was reading an exciting book about a wizard. Aiden did not hear the teacher when she said that silent reading time was over.

Why didn't Aiden hear the teacher?

A. He was deaf.
B. She used a very quiet voice.
C. He was distracted by his entertaining book.

C. He was distracted by his entertaining book.


Why does Marilia not want to visit the nursing home?

Her grandmother had died in a nursing home.


The movie had an INTENSE effect on me. I couldn't stop thinking about it!

Intense means:
A. powerful
B. mild
C. bad

A. powerful


Sheldon and Leonard always eat lunch together. Today, Sheldon took his lunch to a different table. When Leonard went to ask him why, Sheldon refused to talk to him.

If we infer that Sheldon is angry, what sentence is the best evidence to prove our inference?

A. Sheldon and Leonard always eat lunch together.
B. Today, Sheldon took his lunch to a different table. C. When Leonard went to ask him why, Sheldon refused to talk to him.

C. When Leonard went to ask him why, Sheldon refused to talk to him.


Why does Marilia decide to give her Aguinaldo to Elenita?

A. She was best friends with Marilia's grandmother.
B. She has known Elenita for a long time.
C. She saw Elenita sitting alone.

C. She saw Elenita sitting alone.


One of my family's TRADITIONS is to have pancakes for breakfast every Saturday morning.

Traditions means:

A. something done the same over and over again

B. something difficult

C. something disliked

A. something done the same over and over again


Sylvia is waiting in line with her class. She is near the end because she is shorter than most of her classmates. Her mother put her hair back in a special way and she is wearing one of her nicest outfits.

What is Sylvia waiting in line for?

A. to see the nurse
B. school pictures
C. recess

B. school pictures


Why do the students bring aguinaldos for the nursing home residents?

A. Surprise Christmas gifts are fun to receive.

B. The residents ask for donations.

C. They had a lot of extras to give out

A. Surprise Christmas gifts are fun to receive.


I have to ADMIT that going to John's birthday party was fun!

Admit means:

A. speak softly

B. tell the truth

C. tell a lie

B. tell the truth


Penny was so tired when she got home from work. There had been more customers than usual and the new cook had messed up several of her orders. She took off her uniform and relaxed in a hot bath.

Which evidence from the text helps us to infer that Penny is a waitress?

A. Penny was so tired when she got home from work.
B. There had been more customers than usual and the new cook had messed up several of her orders.
C. She took off her uniform and relaxed in a hot bath.

B. There had been more customers than usual and the new cook had messed up several of her orders.


How does Marilia get a coconut sweet?

A. Elenita takes an extra and gives it to her.
B. Senorita Antonia gives one to everyone.
C. Her mom slid one in her pocket to bring on the trip.

A. Elenita takes an extra and gives it to her.


I'd like to hold the new baby if you PERMIT me.

Permit means:

A. allow

B. resist

C. watch 

A. allow


Matthew was at school doing his work. When all the sudden he heard a loud alarm and everyone starting pushing in their chairs and walked out of the school quickly and quietly. The students stood on the hill and waited till it was safe to go back inside.

Why did Matthew have to go outside?

A. there was a firedrill

B. it was time for recess

A. there was a firedrill
