Roaring 20s
Great Depression

Soldiers in WWI used this kind of warfare, which involved a "No-man's-land" and being "over the top".

What is trench warfare?


The Roaring 20s was known by this other name, titled for a style of music

What is the Jazz Age?


This president was seen as the cause of the Great Depression. The homeless would make up shantytowns named after this man.

Who is Herbert Hoover?


The US was a part of this faction in WWII, as opposed to the Axis powers.

What are the Allies?


This man produced the first feature-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. He is also known for creating Mickey Mouse.

Who is Walt Disney?


This document was the treaty that formally ended WWI on June 28, 1919.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?

This scandal is one of the many that occurred during the Roaring 20s. This scandal happened when one of the Ohio Gang secretly allowed private interests to lease lands containing US Navy oil reserves in the town that this scandal is named after.
What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?

This type of event happens when many depositors decide to withdraw their money at one time. This usually happens when there is fear of the market collapsing, and happened several times throughout the Great Depression.

What is a bank run?

The US entered WWII after an attack on this Hawaiian naval base. Japan had launched the surprise attack on this naval base on December 7th, 1941

What is Pearl Harbor?


Atomic bombs were dropped in these Japanese cities during WWII as a means of making Japan surrender. Name the bombs for bonus points!

What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Bonus: What are Little Boy and Fat Man?


This man was commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in WWI, nicknamed "Black Jack".

Who is John J. Pershing?


This was President Truman's campaign slogan.

What is "Return to normalcy"?

When the hardships of the 1930's were happening, this form of entertainment became popular. The first examples of the "superhero" genre of this medium include "Superman" in 1938 and "Batman" in 1939.

What are comic books?


This battle conducted in the Pacific was a turning point in the war. 4 Japanese aircraft carriers were reduced to burning wrecks, and 38 Japanese airplanes were shot down in the battle. A movie released in 2019 named for this battle reenacts the events of it.

What is the Battle of Midway?


The murder of this figure was what sparked the beginning of WWI.

Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


This was the date that both sides of the war signed an armistice to stop fighting.

What is November 11, 1918?


This term was used to refer to women during the 1920's who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and wore lots of makeup. The term comes from the style of clothing the women would wear.

What is a Flapper?


This man talked about the Joad family leaving to California to find a new life in his novel The Grapes of Wrath. He also used a lot of imagery from journalists to give life to reports of poverty and misfortune across the land.

Who is John Steinbeck?


This is the name of the US project in which the first nuclear bombs were created. Enrico Fermi, Robert Oppenheimer, and Leo Szilard were major workers in this operation.

What is the Manhattan Project?

This jazz trumpet player became famous during the Roaring 20s for his skill and his revolutionary playing ideas of swing and blues.

Who is Louis Armstrong?


President Wilson asked this organization to "sell" the idea of war to the people of the US. It was led by George Creel and is abbreviated CPI.

What is the Committee on Public Information?


The US and 14 other nations signed this pact in hopes that it would bring peace, despite it having no binding force. It notably stated that all signing nations would abandon war and try to settle all disputes peacefully.

What is the Kellogg-Briand Pact?


This piece of legislation was created in the hopes of protecting American economy from foreign competition by raising tariffs on imported goods. However, it failed and brought about the highest tariff rates in American history. 

What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?


After Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt tried to improve mobilization by creating this organization. This organization was tasked with setting production goals, as well as having complete control over the distribution of raw materials and supplies.

What is the War Production Board, or the WPB?


This comedian was hit relatively hard during the Great Depression. He appeared in films such as Animal Crackers alongside his brothers. Although this man was wealthy from his success in comedy and in movies, he had taken several loans in the stock market and was left with little to nothing.

Groucho Marx
