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prejudice against foreign-born people, swept the nation

What is Nativism?


the Eighteenth Amendment ushered this into effect and the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages were illegal

What was Prohibition?


This was the most widely used barometer of the stock market’s health

What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?


policies focused on three general goals: relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform.

What was the New Deal?


american response to the bolsheviks cry for a worldwide revolution that would abolish capitalism everywhere.

What was the Red Scare?


an economic and political system based on a single-party government ruled by a dictatorship. In order to equalize wealth and power, they would put an end to private property, substituting government ownership of factories, railroads, and other businesses

What is communism?


an emancipated young woman who embraced the new fashions and urban attitudes of the day.

What is a flapper?


region that was the hardest hit by the Depression, including parts of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado, came to be known as

What was the Dust Bowl?


As part of the Second New Deal, the Roosevelt administration and Congress set up a series of programs to help youths, professionals, and other workers. the largest program was...

What was the WPA, work progress administration?


these were president Harding's poker-playing cronies, who caused a great deal of embarrassment and scandal.

Who was the Ohio Gang?


The automobile liberated the isolated rural family, it allowed workers to live miles from their jobs, creating..

What was urban sprawl?


the most powerful communications medium to emerge in the 1920s.

what was the radio?


October 29, the day the bottom fell out of the market and the nation’s confidence was called

What is Black Tuesday?


an educator who dedicated herself to promoting opportunities for young African Americans—was hired by the president to head the Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration

Who was Mary Mcleod Bethune?


this man said “the chief business of the American people is business. . . . The man who builds a factory builds a temple—the man who works there worships there.” 

Who is Calvin Coolidge?


this set up a quota system and established the maximum number of people who could enter the United States from each foreign country

What is the Emergency Quota Act of 1921?


hundreds of thousands of African Americans had uprooted themselves from their homes in the South and moved north to the big cities in search of jobs

What was the Great Migration?


little towns consisting of shacks

What were Shantytowns?


an African-American author, complete his acclaimed novel Native Son (1940), about a young man trying to survive in a racist world.

Who was Richard Wright?


this person believed that African Americans should build a separate society

Who was Marcus Garvey?


During the war, the government wouldn’t allow workers to strike because nothing could interfere with the war effort. this group pledged to avoid strikes.

Who was the AFL, American Federation of Labor?


 a literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture

What was the Harlem Renaissance?


the years that were considered to be the Great Depression.

What was 1929 to 1940?


The federal government established 2 agencies, to regulate banking and investment activities.

What are the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)?


this epic novel reveals the lives of Oklahomans who left the Dust Bowl and ended up in California, where their hardships continued.

What is the Grapes of Wrath?
