Practice Quiz
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Study Guide & Practice Quiz

This is a term that describes Mexico and Central America.



The Aztecs, like most agricultural people of the time, were 

a. among the most advanced example of the Adena-Hopewell culture

b. intensely spiritual and worshipped numerous gods

c. absorbed as part of the Mayan Empire around 1425

d. without a detailed legal system to help regulate society

e. a peaceful, nomadic people who avoided warfare

b. intensely spiritual and worshipped numerous gods


This explorer is credited with discovering America after landing in the West Indies

a. Hernan Cortez

b. Francisco de Goya

c. Bartolome de las Casas

d. Christopher Colombus

d. Christopher Colombus


Until recently, scholars had assumed that Paleo-Indians migrated from Asia into North America

a. in response to the onset of an ice age

b. in pursuit of large game animals

c. beginning about 1000 years ago

d. in an effort to escape tribal warfare in Asia.

e. in search of a disease-free environment

b. in pursuit of large game animals


This is a term for India and Southeast Asia, which the Spanish explorers were trying to reach in crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

The Indies


to kick out; barred from a country



The primary objective of the hundreds of priests in New Spain was to 

a. bless marriages

b. establish towns

c. convert the Native Americans

d. educate Spanish colonists

e. serve as government officials

c. convert the Native Americans


This is the label given to the earliest people in North America

a. Hopis

b. Paleos

c. Clovis

d. Anasazi

c. Clovis


The first Europeans to sail around Africa and on to India were the ______. 

a. Irish

b. Spaniards

c. English

d. Italians

e. Portuguese

e. Portuguese


worldly; not religious in nature



devotion to human welfare and the humanities



Which of the following is characteristic of the Mississippian Indian culture?

a. elaborate burial mounds and towns built around plazas and temples

b. cliff dwellings and widespread use of irrigation

c. matrilineal societies and the spread of the Muskogean language

d. reliance on the fur trade rather than agriculture

e. extensive trading activities with Norsemen from Scandinavia

a. elaborate burial mounds and towns built around plazas and temples


This woman is recognized as one of the greatest rulers in history and certainly that of 16th-century England

a. Jane Grey

b. Elizabeth I

c. Mary I

d. Catherine of Aragon

b. Elizabeth I


Who was Ignatius Loyola and why was he important?

A. A Spanish explorer who discovered the New World and established the first Spanish colonies.
B. A Spanish philosopher who wrote influential works on the nature of human rights and democracy.
C. A Spanish soldier who founded the Jesuits (Society of Jesus), a religious order dedicated to education and missionary work.
D. A Spanish king who led the country to its greatest territorial expansion during the 16th century.

C. A Spanish soldier who founded the Jesuits (Society of Jesus), a religious order dedicated to education and missionary work.


this is the native term for corn



the process of buying selling the forgiveness of sins in exchange for money



Which of the following statements accurately describes the Protestant Reformation in England?

a. Queen Elizabeth undid it by forcefully reimposing Catholicism

b. it occurred more for political reasons than because of disagreement about religious doctrine

c. John Calvin led it as part of his revolt against Catholicism

d. It occurred prior to the Reformation in Germany

e. It led to the overthrow of Henry VIII because he went against the Church

b. it occurred more for political reasons than because of disagreement about religious doctrine


This man led efforts to colonize present-day Canada for France

a. John Rolfe

b. Philip Ardenne

c. Jacques Cartier

d. Robert Rene, Sieur de La Salle

c. Jacques Cartier


What was the significance of diseases during the Age of Exploration?

A. Diseases helped Europeans develop immunity to native illnesses, making colonization easier.
B. Europeans introduced foreign diseases to native populations that had not been exposed to them, causing a significant decline in native populations

C. Native populations introduced Europeans to new diseases, leading to widespread epidemics in Europe.
D. Diseases had little impact during the Age of Exploration as both Europeans and natives had strong immune systems.

B. Europeans introduced foreign diseases to native populations that had not been exposed to them, causing a significant decline in native populations


Spanish term for the adobe cliff dwellings of native peoples of the SW United States



instrument used to make astronomical measurements for navigation to calculate latitude, a disk with the edge marked in degrees and a pivoted pointer



Which of the following statements accurately characterizes the Algonquians?

a. they lived in cave villages dug into mountains and built large pyramids

b. like the Iroquoian people, they spoke the language Iroquoian and spread into upstate NY

c. they were nomadic and did not encounter Europeans for man years after their arrival in America

d. They lived in multifamily "longhouses" and were one of the three Eastern Woodlands groups

e. They built an advanced regional center known as Cahokia and lived in mounds

d. They lived in multifamily "longhouses" and were one of the three Eastern Woodlands groups


What was the relationship between the Age of Exploration and the Renaissance?

A. The Renaissance's new knowledge and technologies made possible the construction of larger sailing ships capable of oceanic voyages.

B. The Age of Exploration led to the Renaissance by encouraging the development of new art and literature.

C. The Renaissance led to the Age of Exploration by introducing new religious ideas that encouraged people to explore the world.

D. The Age of Exploration and the Renaissance were unrelated events happening in different parts of the world.

A. The Renaissance's new knowledge and technologies made possible the construction of larger sailing ships capable of oceanic voyages.


Which of the following was a result of the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella?

a. the opening of the Atlantic Slave trade

b. increased catholic expansionism

c. rise of the feudal system in Europe

d. security of Granada as a Muslim stronghold

e. separation of Spain and Portugal into two nations

b. increased Catholic expansionism


an instrument used for making angular measurements of altitude in astronomy and navigation, graduated quarter circle and a sighting mechanism

