Learn your grammar, son
Detrimental Diction
The Essentiality of Central Idea
Peculiar Parallelism
Unfailingly Figurative
Because each of the girls ________ (was/ were) going to the theater separately ____ (, or ; or : or no punctuation) tickets were bought in advance.
What is WAS and comma
Instead of "says"...
What is communicates, illustrates, demonstrates, argues, elaborates, claims, insists, highights, emphasizes...
When looking for central idea, first A) immediately go back to passage B) preview the questions and look for disqualifiers C) choose the detail that looks most familiar D) Re-read the passage, highlighting details
What is B...
Students will inevitably eat a good breakfast, get a good nights sleep, and will also ace their EOC exams.
What is "and ace their EOC exams"
Fahrenheit 451: “The stars poured over his sight like flaming meteors” (145.)
What is SIMILE?
Neither the students nor the teacher were excited about the end of course tests.
What is WAS, not WERE
Instead of "a lot"
What is many, excessive, large sums, copious amounts, infinite numbers, large quantities, astronomical, superfluous...
What is the central idea of the following? The idea that women are not equal to men has been a prevailing, common theme in literature since the beginning of time. Like their predecessors, Renaissance writers staunchly laid down the tenet that women were less valuable throughout the pages of effusive literary writings, where women are alternately idolized as virtuous or shunned as harlots. One man proved to be a glaring contradiction to this falsity. That man was William Shakespeare and he had the courage in those turbulent days to recognize the value and equality of women. His portrayal of women differed than that of many of his contemporaries during the Renaissance era.
What is... Although most Renaissance writers propagated the belief that women were not equal with men, Shakespeare's writings portrayed women as men's equals.
The award will either go to the student who built a nuclear reactor or to the student that made nitrogen ice cream.
What is "or GO to the student that made nitrogen ice cream"
Fahrenheit 451: “Perhaps he had expected their faces to burn and glitter with the knowledge they carried, to glow as lanterns glow, with the light in them” (160).
What is SIMILE?
After the elections student council gave their announcement for homecoming king and queen.
What is elections, student council gave its
Instead of stating something is "good"...
What is... beneficial, advantageous, profitable, efficient, rewarding, useful, valuable, superior, admirable, marvelous, reputable, commendable...
Central Idea? Children dream of the day when they will be grown up. They will no longer have bedtimes, bath-times, curfews, or any other restrictions. They believe that being an experienced adult will truly give them freedom. Then they grow up. They are saddled by bills, responsibilities, sleepiness, and an overwhelming urge for more vacations. Now they long for the days they could roam free all summer without a care in the world. Innocence has always battled with experience. Taking one view, author William Wordsworth believed that innocence was the highest state and could not see past the golden curls of youth, whereas author Charlotte Smith believed that maturity offered the most to humanity through wisdom.
What is "innocence has always battled with experience".
The math team will not only go on to nationals but they will also compete overseas if they win.
What is "but will also compete overseas if they win"
1. NIGHT: The ghetto was ruled by neither German nor Jew; it was ruled by delusion. 2. NIGHT: From that moment on, everything happened very quickly. The race toward death had begun
What is 1. personification 2. metaphor/ analogy
No one in the city was ready for the end of the world in fact, the majority of citizens were ill-prepared.
What is world; in fact, the majority of citizens was
Instead of saying something is "bad"...
What is... harmful, detrimental, weak, arbitrary, poor, careless, fallacious, substandard, inadequate, inferior, deficient, erroneous, calamitous, disastrous
The central idea will either be stated or (more likely) ___________________.
What is "implied"?
Huxley can be found lying under the window, eating beneath the sink, or he can be found running.
What is "or running through the yard"?
1. Julius Caesar: But Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honourable man. 2. Julius Caesar: Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?
What is 1. irony 2. rhetorical question
No one at school likes testing because: it takes too much time, involves to many subjects, and can cause too much stress.
What is because it takes too much time, involves too many subjects, and causes too much stress.
Instead of 1. very important 2. very smart 3. very interesting 4.very large 5. very lazy 6. very little 7. very long 8. very mean 9. very necessary 10. very nice 11. very often 12. very old 13. very open 14. very painful 15. very perfect...
What is 1. crucial 2. intelligent 3. captivating 4. massive 5. indolent 6. minuscule 7. extensive 8. cruel 9. essential 10. genial 11. frequently 12. archaic 13. transparent 14. excruciating 15. flawless
A central idea found in both "Fahrenheit 451" and "Anthem" is that...
What is "societies controlled by governments will never experience the benefits of individuality..."
The AKC will disqualify dogs that either bark during competition or dogs that jump on people during greeting.
What is "jump on people during greeting"?
1. Julius Caesar: Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; 2. My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar,